Chapter 9

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                Chapter 9

After we got pizza we went to the club, I walked in and did my usual ritual, change outfit, lipstick, kitten ears, all that, Dorrian went to whipping glasses, Tim went to the door awhile and looked at the line of people that was already forming. I had Kat sit at the first seat at the bar.

"Now remember what I said. We will be listening and there is nothing you can do about that but be good." Then I set a Dr. Pepper in front of her, it was both of our favorite sodas. I smiled when she did and nodded to Tim to start letting people in and my DJ started playing the music. The people started pouring in. I smiled when certain regulars started coming over to the bar. I started making the drinks I knew they were going to order then I went to making the drinks that the new people ordered. With Dorrian running the bar with me it made things a lot easier on me and made it easier to watch Kat. I smiled when a good friend of mine came over and sat next to her making small talk. Then I heard something that no club owner wants to hear. A blood curling scream, I rushed to where it had originated, upstairs where a girl was having her neck drained. I ran over and grabbed the man who was drinking from her by his shirt and ripped him off of her. Then I looked at the girl who looked about 20.

"Are you okay?" Her neck was still bleeding

"W-we were kissing then he just attached my neck." She said still looking terrified, I took a step towards her and she scampered back more in the room.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I want to help you" I held my hand out to her and she hesitantly took it. I helped her up and turned to see Tim holding the vampire down. The vampire was squirming under the pressure of a huge man on him, I lifted the girl who I could smell was human into my arms bridal style and carried her down the steps into the back room, I looked at Kat and I nodded my head for her to come with me to the back room.

I laid the girl on the couch that I had in the back that served as a break room when needed and in this instant it was a bed for a now traumatized girl. I got the first aid kit that I kept in the cabinet that was right beside the fridge that I had sodas for us in. Then I walked back over to her and knelt down to look at her neck better, then I took out antibacterial wipes to clean the now healing marks in her neck, the saliva from a vampire can heal a cut within minutes but there wasn't enough for this girl to go without being treated, it could get infected and possibly kill her,

"Wait, what are you doing?" she asked in a terrified tone, which is when I looked at Kat and nodded and she walked over and sat next to the girl. The girl tensed up even more so now

"Relax, I am human like you" Kat said to try to get her to calm down

"Then why are you in this club?" the girl looked so confused

"Well I could ask you the same question" the Kat said to her.

"I was here because my boyfriend brought me then handed me to that vampire and collected money from my boyfriend who I am guessing is now my ex then the vampire said he would make me feel good, so I said yes"

"Well I am here because the woman who is trying to help your still bleeding neck is my guardian ever since my parents died"

"Oh, I'm sorry..." the girl looked at me and I smiled sadly and then she turns her head to talk to Kat more "My name is Bethany, but everyone calls me Bethy."

"My name is Kat and this is Anastasia, she is the owner of the club. And she is going to make sure that prick who attacked you pays for what he has done to you."

"I will do that after I take care of the wound on her neck" I said and she nodded, it didn't take long to take care of. The girls sat there talking and I left to go to the basement, where Tim knew to take that asshole so we can give him the advice of a life time and maybe a little beating in here and there. When I walked down he was already in the chair and tied down. Tim wasn't far away, leaning against the wall watching him struggle to try to get out, I stayed in the shadows so he couldn't see me.

"Don't bother trying. It's no use, trust me. Now I think you need to be taught a lesson in how to treat a woman." When I said this he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"That little thing doesn't deserve the title of a woman, that's a girl" I looked at Tim and he nodded.

"Then I guess you are a pedophile as well as a rapist. Cool, both should die for the crimes that they do."

"I'm sorry to say but dying isn't on my agenda. I still need to find a woman." He smirked "I was told that she would be at this club like she is every night"

"There is no woman who is here every night"

"How would you know that unless you were here every night? I am looking for a woman with the name of Anastasia, she goes by Kitten though" I saw Tim tense up. The creep also saw and he smirked.

"Oh he knows who I am talking about, don't ya big guy? How do you know her do you tap her ass every now and then? I hear form my informant that she has a nice body, likes to fuck. She's a vampire, got really nice tits, nice ass. Can you tell me where she is?"

"What do you want with her?" I asked simply, he didn't need to know just yet that who he was looking for was right in front of him. I needed to know what was going on before I told him that I was Anastasia.

"I was told to find her by her what he said 'Owner' because it is time for her to comeback 'home' to him. That was just what he told me. He said to tell her that if she came willingly he wouldn't hurt her so called family." It was my turn to scoff now. "Why do you want to know?"

"What was his name?"

"Michael" I stepped into the light now. "Oh shit. Why couldn't you have been the one that asshole sold to me!"

"Because I am the girl you were sent to find."


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