Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I smirked at Dorrian who was now in wolf form running on my treadmill. We discovered that even if you only drink the tiniest drop of blood you can read each other's thoughts like mates can. I laughed at some of his thoughts

This isn't funny baby! He yelled in my head. I was enjoying this to the max.

"Clearly our sense of humor is different baby" I said to him I got up and walked over to the treadmill and turned up the setting a little it. He was now going 50 miles an hour. The fastest a normal dog can run is 43... I wonder what else is different from a normal dog... can he run this fast in human form? I stood there for a moment and thought then I heard the buzz that someone was ringing me from downstairs. This may be a shitty apartment but I didn't want to get a place that anyone could just waltz right into, considering my current situation of hiding. I walked over and hit the speaking button.

"Who is it?"

"Anastasia, it's me. You texted me saying that you have my paycheck." Tim answered

"If you mean your cash I do. You know that I don't do paychecks" I told him "I'll buzz you in" I hit the buzz button, as I liked to call it. I walked to the kitchen and picked up his stack of money. It was only $700, but that is all he lets me give him. Most of his income comes in through his demon hunting. I heard a knock on the front door; I walked to the door and opened it,

"Hey stranger" I hugged him and stepped back for him to come in. We walked into the living room and found a very naked Dorrian running on the treadmill.

"WHOA MAN! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON! GODS!" Tim yelled shielding his eyes, I just stood there blushing bright red.

You are the one who was wondering if I can run this fast in human form, here is your answer

"I wanted to turn this stupid machine off and I can't do that in wolf form" he smirked. I ran back to the bedroom using my vampire speed and I grabbed him a pair of sweatpants I ran back out using the same speed. I threw them at him once I was back out in the living room.

"Can you at least try to be decent?" I asked him.

"No sorry baby, no I can't" he said with a smirk I just rolled my eyes,

"You guys are impossible," I walked to the kitchen I was hungry "Hey you guys want something to eat?" I asked then a voice came through my head you baby, I wanna eat you

"What were you planning on making?" Tim asked. I opened my cabinets; I saw popcorn and a lot of food in a can. I left this stuff for Kat when I had to work late. I stood there for a moment thinking.

"Hey I might have some steak in the fridge; I was saving it but now is as good a time as any, if you guys want it. I think there is only two,"

"If that's what you want to make okay" Tim said,

"I would love a steak baby" Dorrian yells "Will it be done by the time I get out of the shower?"

"Are you done running? I don't want to be woken up with a sex crazed animal next to me." He then walked into the kitchen,

"I wouldn't need to be sex crazed if we would have sex" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and mumbled into my neck, doing a damn fine job of turning me on

Baby... I can smell you juices soaking through your panties

"Shut up" I whispered "go shower. You stink" I said with a smirk, he kissed my cheek and walked away. I got the steak seasoning out and the steak, then I got the skillet out. I started making the steak when Tim came in.

"Do you need any help making anything?" I had just started on making the green beans.

"Nah, I've got it. I like working alone in the kitchen anyway. More work space when I work alone." I said as I walked around the kitchen doing what I needed to be doing to finish making our supper, well really it was more like breakfast. But my eating patterns were different and so were theirs so I doubted that they cared that we were eating at like 3:30 AM. I heard Dorrian walking down the hall to my bedroom then I heard him get dressed. He was just in time I was just finishing everything. I put it all on the plates nice and make it look gourmet.

"Guys sit down then I'll bring the food out. And who wants what to drink?" I asked

"I want a beer" Tim said

"I want red wine" Dorrian yelled as he walked out of the bedroom. His skin was still a little wet and was very warm. I hugged him once he was in my range.

"Ummm Anastasia, food would be great" Tim said, clearly not liking the fact Dorrian and I were being a little lovey. I let go of him, kissed his cheek to go to the kitchen and got the plates for them, I could tell the difference between theirs and mine because mine still looked like it had blood coming out of it and it had a special blood sauce on it. I may not drink from a source but I do get blood donors to give me bags of blood so I could at least have some human blood in my diet. I took some blood and added it to my red wine. Took a sip then brought the boys their drinks. I walked out and sat down. We ate in silence for a bit.

"Anastasia, this is amazing" Tim said

"Yeah Kitten, I'm having a foodgasm from it" Dorrian said with a smirk.

"Thanks guys. I like it too" I took a sip of wine. Humming as I tasted the blood that was in it. I devoured the rest of my food then looked at the boys who were just finishing their food.

"I'll do the dishes" I said. I got up to grab the plates but I was grabbed and taken from the room, very quickly by Dorrian. I was then thrown onto my bed.

"No you are going to rest. You have had a long day and night and now you need to sleep. You are going to go get Kat at 1:30 pm later, you need sleep. It's 4:00 am now. I am going to do the dishes and you are going to sleep."

"But I still need to do wash and things around the house."

"No, you need sleep" He said "I will tie you down to this bed if that is what it takes"

"Fine! I will fucking sleep! Just don't destroy my apartment" I said slightly anger at the fact I was being told what to do in my apartment. But I listened anyway, I relaxed to fall asleep but sleep never came to me so I just pretended and listened to what the boys were saying.

"Tim, you can leave for the night. I'm sure she will fall asleep any second then she is going to sleep until at least 1 in the afternoon." Dorrian told Tim

"Nah man, I'll stay just to make sure she is okay"

"She is okay as long as I am here bro, just go home, you look tired..." Dorrian said.

"I would feel better if I stayed for the night." Tim argued

"Okay, but can you help me with the dishes? I don't want her to wake up to find work before she goes and gets her sister, I just want her relaxed. She doesn't deserve to have to work before more stress comes."

Awwwww that is so sweet I thought to myself.

"I will be right back" Dorrian said, shit he heard me! I thought to myself as I heard his footsteps coming down the hall.

"Baby I thought I told you to get some sleep" Dorrian said when he opened the door.

"I tried..." I told him in the most innocent voice I could do he simply smiled,

"How about this, you come out and sit on the couch with us and try to sleep. I'll do the dishes in the morning; right now all I'm worried about is you sleeping." He said, I nodded I got up quick and got up and used my super speed to get out to the couch. I ran over and sat next to Tim and kind of cuddled against him. He put his arm around my shoulders. Dorrian came out and slightly growled when he saw it but I thought to him that Tim was like a second brother and father to me so there was no threat to him here. Dorrian went back to our room and I didn't think he was going to come back out. But he did, and he came back with my really soft blanket and covered me with it. Then he pulled my legs a crossed his lap and started to massage my feet. He knew that would make me fall asleep, then Tim started humming. I swear they had a conspiracy against me. It wasn't long before I fell asleep between them. 

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