Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I walked back upstairs to the girls. To see how they were doing. I walked to the back room after I kissed Dorrian on the cheek that everything was okay. Then I walked to the back room where both of the girls had pillows sitting in their lap as they were talking about god knows what.

"Hey girls, what are you doing?" I asked as I got closer to them. They looked over to me and smiled. Then Kat said

"Kitten can we keep her?"

"Kat she is not a pet that you found on the street." I told her in a semi stern voice, and then I turned to look at Bethy. "Where do you live?"

"I lived with my boyfriend who sold me to here to that asshole. So I guess now I'm homeless." She sighed.

"No you aren't. My friend just moved in with us and what we were planning on doing is letting Kat have his apartment which is right next to mine so she can have her own space." Kat looked at me so excited now.

"Anastasia, are you serious?" she jumped up and hugged me tightly.

"Yes I am serous."

"When did you talk about this?"

"When I had him running on the treadmill the other night, you weren't there, you were still in the hospital I believe." That's when Bethy jumped in,

"When and why were you in the hospital?"

"A vampire attached me, I met him online then I met him at the old brewery"

"Don't you know never to meet someone you met online in person?"

"I thought I taught her that but I see that I was wrong." I smirked and Kat rolled her eyes.

"We will discuss the details then on the way home." I smiled as the girls went to squealing and then I went back out to work. Dorrian looked at me and I smiled and started making the drinks that were being ordered. Dorrian came up behind me and kissed my neck.

"Is everything okay?" he asked and I nodded.

"Just saved a girl and remember when we talked about giving Kat your apartment? Yeah... well the girl that I saved has no home and I decided to take her in and let her move in with Kat. So then we can take Kat's room and change it into your room or a guest room or something."

"Yeah that would be cool but how are we going to pay rent on both apartments?"

"I have enough trust me; I got my inheritance when I turned 18 because when my great grandfather died I wasn't old enough for it. Now I am,"

"Oh so that means you have a shit ton of cash that you don't use to buy a better place?"

"Because I like my shitty apartment, I don't want to waste my money on a new place until I need to."

"And when will that be, little Kitten?"

"When I get married and have kids. But even then I would still own the club. I would just have my husband run things until he can stay home with the kids."

"Any ideas who your husband will be?"

"I am not getting married for a while now."

"Why might that be?" he asked slightly sad now.

"Because I am still figuring out my life,"

"Oh, well when you choose make sure you tell me."

"Okay, I will." I hugged him and kissed his lips quickly and went back to serving drinks to my regulars and the new visitors.

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