Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

They looked at each other again and then they looked at me again. I looked like are you fucking coming or not?!

"We have decided that Tim is going to drive you and I am going to stay here and ya know, hold down the fort." Dorrian told me.

"Um okay, can we go now? I'm worried about Kat" I walked over to Dorrian and pulled the gun out of my bag and handed it to him "The safety is on. If anyone and I mean anyone who you aren't expecting knocks on the door or calls up to ask to come in don't let them. I will text you when we are on our way back." Dorrian took the gun and nodded. Then he pulled me into a kiss. It was quick and sweet, I loved it, then I heard Tim make a throat clearing sound and I looked at him. He had a look in his eyes that said let's go. I quickly kissed Dorrian's cheek and walked over to Tim.

"You done sucking face?" he asked in a harsh tone he sounded like he was pissed off, was it from seeing me and Dorrian kiss? I didn't know, maybe the fact that he wasn't used to seeing me with someone bothered him, when I was with Brian I never kissed in public.

"What's your problem, all seeing protector?" I was being a smartass but I didn't care, being a smartass is what I do best. I looked at him with a straight face for a minute then I was fighting a smile and I could tell he was too. I leaned in to hug him but instead I just grabbed the car keys and ran down to the car. I ran to the driver's side so I could drive. But Tim came down and looked at me and said,

"Move of your own free or I will pick you up and carry you to the passenger side." I sighed and got out and walked to the passenger side because I didn't feel like being carried. I got in and pouted to show that I wasn't happy. He leaned over and poked me.

"Lighten up Kitten, you can drive later."

"But I wanna drive now." I pouted. He chuckled and sped to the hospital


"Okay Miss Miller, you are good to take Katrina home." the receptionist said as I finished signing the papers.

"Thanks, have a nice day." I put my arm around Kat in a motherly way. Tim looking over at us and smiled, we walked to the car and Kat go into the back Tim was on the driver's side and I was on the passenger's side again. After I got in I relaxed and enjoyed the ride before we got back to the apartment because I had told Kat that we were going to continue the conversation from before when I took her home. I wasn't looking forward to this. I called Dorrian as we got closer to the apartment.

"Hey we will be home in about three minutes, so be ready for us when we get there."

"Okay Kitten, thanks for calling me. I'll see you soon, I love you" Dorrian answered

"I love you too" then I hung up and looked back at Kat, she was just staring out the window, I knew that face, she was thinking. I smiled, I didn't know what she was thinking about but I knew that I would get the same face when I was thinking. I thought that it was kind of cute on her. I turned back around to see that we were parked in front of the apartment building. I got out and opened the door for Kat to get out. She looked at me and sorta smiled then got out, I knew I had to say something to her before we started our talk.

"Hey, I'm really happy that you're okay," I told her and hugged her. She hugged me back, and when she pulled away she had tears in her eyes.

"I am so so so so so so so sorry Anastasia... I should have listened to you about strangers I should have just not gone to meet him..." she started to cry.

"Kat, let's go upstairs and talk about this," I lead her up to the apartment when we got there the door swung open and Dorrian motioned for the three of us to come in. I led Kat in as seeing that she is still a little teary eyed I led her to her room and had her sit on her bed. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her.

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