Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 
When I woke up I was again in my bed and I sat up trying to remember what happened last night. I didn’t remember anything, so I went to stand up but pain seared my head. I screamed and that was when Dorrian ran in.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he walked over and sat on the bed near me on the edge of the bed,
“It’s my head, it hurts…” I leaned back on the bed, and he laid his hand on my forehead and felt down my face.
“Baby, you’re burning up… I thought that vampires couldn’t get sick…”
“They don’t, not unless they have had infected blood…”
“What do you mean infected blood? Like HIV and stuff like that?” I just nodded, “Does this mean you are going to have whatever it was?”
“No, my body is killing it, vampires can’t have infections or illnesses like that, but they can enter our body… but it doesn’t stay, my body is being like a self-cleaning oven.”
“Oh, okay, how do I help?”
“Treat it like I have a cold and a hangover” he nods and gets up to leave.
“How is your body going to get rid of the infection?”
“Probably throwing up… that’s how it happened last time…”
“Okay.” He walked out and I curled back up in bed, then I heard him come back in. I opened one eye and say that he had the waste paper basket and had a tray of something that I couldn’t see yet. He set the waste paper basket down near the bed where if I felt the need to throw up, then he set the tray down and I saw that there was a glass of water and a few pills that looked like they would help with an upset stomach. He looked at me,
“Would you like me to heat up the soup you made last night or do you want me to make it fresh?”
“Can you make it fresh please?” my voice was weak and he nodded then left. I laid back down and closed my eyes. Then I felt the bile rise in my throat. I leaned over to the waste paper basket and empty out the contents of my stomach, Dorrian came running back in and rubbed my back. Once everything that was in my stomach was in the waste paper can I fell back on the bed, Dorrian put a cool wet cloth on my forehead. He grabbed the water that was on the bedside table and held it up for me to drink. Which I did, not liking the helpless feeling that came over me. I finished the glass of water.  He smiled and then he left to go out to the kitchen. I just relaxed there on the bed as best I could. Dorrian came back in with a bowl of soup.  He sat down on the edge of the bed again and took a spoon full and brought it to my mouth. I slowly took it and ate it, it felt nice and warm going down my throat. Then I heard the door open to the apartment,
“I guess Tim is back from taking Alice home.” Dorrian said and a moment later Tim walked in and looked at me.
“Bad blood?” he looked worried, I nodded, “From now on, I am getting your blood or you are drinking it from Dorrian.”
“Wow and you didn’t even ask bro.” 
“I know that you don’t mind as long as it’s to keep her safe.”
“True, true,”
“You guys, I will drink from who I want when I want.” I interjected.
“Anastasia, we all know that you won’t drink from anyone unless you can’t control yourself or someone forces you. That is why you go to your little nurse friend and you get blood bags.” With that he left to go to the kitchen and when he came back there was a drink in his hand. He handed the drink to me and I looked at him and drank it. With that everything that was hurting and whatever made me feel sick was gone and I looked at him amazed. “I know how much you want to go to the club tonight and just relax so I did a spell and a potion that makes you feel better.”
“You didn’t have to do that... I would’ve felt better on my own.”
“Not fast enough for you to go to the club tonight.” I smiled and kissed Dorrian on the lips, Tim on the cheek then ran to get a shower.
After a very enjoyable shower, I stepped out and got dressed for the night at the club skinny jeans and a sexy corset top with ties up the front, I knew that it was going to be a good night. As soon as I walked out of my room I saw the guys and their mouths dropped when they saw me.
“What? What’s wrong?” I asked looking at my outfit and tried to fix my outfit.
“You look amazing…” Dorrian says I blush and they both smile.
“Let’s go,” I said as I grabbed my backpack and my motorcycle keys. Tonight I decided that we weren’t going to bring Kat and Bethy. I just needed a semi normal night and if I brought humans tonight I thought that there was going to be issues. Dorrian got his shirt on and Tim grabbed his keys and they followed me out the door.

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