Chapter 29

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Waiting in the hospital was nerve wracking and poor William was still so upset, he was whining and couldn’t make up his mind if he was hot or cold and every time I took of his little trousers off he’s be alright for a few minutes and then he’d start shivering and crying again. We had private health insurance so it only took a few minutes for a doctor to come in to the room to see him. He did a variety of tests and after thirty minutes the doctor came back inside the room. “Good news, it’s just a virus. So we’ll give him some pain relief but you’ll just have to stick it out for a while.” He says. “We’ll give you some soothing cream for the rash. He should be feeling better in about 24 hours, if he gets worse you can bring him back.” The doctor explains as he write down some things on a pad of paper and rips it off handing it to Niall.

He leaves the room and leaves the three of us breathing a sigh of relief. William is still whiny but they had given him some pain relief which seemed to be kicking in and he wasn’t crying as much and he was starting to look really sleepy. I put my hand back to his head and he wasn’t as hot as he was before which was a relief. “I’ll go down to the pharmacist,” Niall says and flashes me a smile as he walks out of the room leaving me with a grumpy baby and Harry.

“Do you mind having him tonight?” Harry asks me. I think back to the time that Harry practically begged me to have William the night that Noelle crashed in to him. He was scared.

“Yeah if you want, I think he’ll be alright now though.” I tell him.

William looks as though he’s about to doze off so I turn him around and hold him to me and nestles his face on my chests and closes his eyes. “Have you told Niall about Liam yet?” Harry asks curiously.

I look up at Harry curiously wondering why he’s asking me about Liam right now. Apart from Eleanor and Liam he was the only one that knew that Liam had kissed me. “Um no, I was about to tell him when you knocked on the door actually.” I say and look down at William who has passed out. My poor little baby.

“He’s going to find out from someone else if you don’t,” He says and for some reason I take this comment badly and think that he’s saying that he’s going to tell Niall if I don’t. I look up at him with wide eyes and I’m about to verbally attack my ex-husband when continues, “Jess I didn’t mean me! I just meant that if you keep putting it off he’s going to find out from Liam or someone else who knows. I wouldn’t do that!” He shakes his head and gets off his plastic seat and comes to sit beside me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to over-.”

“Babe you didn’t even say anything. But I really think you should tell him, next time you have an interruption just keep talking until you get it out. The longer you wait the worse his reaction is going to be.” I sigh because I know he’s right, I have to tell Niall and the longer I wait the worse it’s going to be, for me, Niall and for Liam. I can’t even begin to imagine what Niall’s reaction will be like. I know that he’s scared that I’m going to break up with him and I’m fairly certain that’s the reason that he’s been avoiding this subject that he has no idea about. Scenarios run through my head and I imagine Niall just shrugging his shoulders and thinking that it’s not a big deal but then more scenarios run through my head and I imagine Niall making a big deal out of one little kiss because Liam was confused and upset. I imagined him shouting at me and calling me a slut.

I'm Not Your Baby, Baby! (Sequel to Is That My Baby, Baby?)Where stories live. Discover now