Chapter 2

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Filing for an annulment was harder than I thought it would be, I had to fill out a million forms twice! I had to send to two copies of one form to court and keep one copy for myself. Once that was done I had to fill in a form about William and what sort of contact arrangements I would make with Harry to see him.

I had to fill in his child care arrangements and all sort of things before I could hand everything in. And just to make things hard when all the forms went through and they got sent to Harry so he could sign them and agree that the marriage should be annulled he refused to sign them! I was furious but I hadn’t seen him since the day after the wedding and he hadn’t seen William since he tried to break my wrist and convince me to stay with him. I had eventually gone to the doctors and had an x-ray revealing that there was no fracture but it was sprained.

Harry sprained my wrist and that is just one of the reasons that are piling up really quick, that I am not going to go back to him. I’m living with my mum at the moment, Niall had to go back to town and it wasn’t practical for me to stay in a hotel when I could stay with mum and have all the help I need with William and getting the annulment thing settled. The tabloids had gone crazy over the wedding fiasco and there was always one photographer waiting for me outside mum’s house when I took William out and there were tons of pictures in the papers and magazines of Harry looking miserable.

It’s been two weeks and after filling out all that paperwork Harry had disagreed with the annulment petition and not signed the stupid forms so they could be sent to court. I was about to get my lawyer on his arse when I got a message from him.

From: Harry – cheating arsehole- Styles

To: Jess

I need to see William.

From: Jess

To: Harry – cheating arsehole – Styles

When you agree to sign the annulment papers we’ll talk.

I didn’t like keeping William away from his daddy but I did not want to be married to Harry. I knew that an annulment meant that the marriage never happened but as I researched more in to the meaning it basically made the marriage invalid. There were specific reasons to get an annulment rather than a divorce and the only way that we were actually eligible to get an annulment was because we never consummated the marriage. So basically because we didn’t have sex, mainly because he was off having sex with Niall’s girlfriend.

I’ve finally got all my tears out and I’m ready to move on and concentrate on raising William so he doesn’t turn out like his scumbag of a father. I’m being strong for William because I know even though he’s only little and probably has the memory span of a fish he does miss Harry and he just does seem like his happy self when I’m not happy or when I’m crying all the time. So I’m being strong for my child.

I'm Not Your Baby, Baby! (Sequel to Is That My Baby, Baby?)Where stories live. Discover now