Chapter 18

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"Good morning," Casey grinned at Haley as she woke up. Haley yawned "Good morning you goober," "Ready for today?" he asked. "Ready as I'll ever be...this has to be the most terrifying thing ever....I really hope they're happy," Haley sighed. "I do too...otherwise I know where the hotel is," Casey chuckled. "Good morning guys," Patti smiled as they walked down the stairs. "Mom, Dad...there's something we need to tell you," Haley said as her stomach was in knots. "What is it sweetie?" Patti said as Haley took a deep breath before saying "We're having a baby,"

Both of her parents looked stunned but happy for Haley and Casey. "Congratulations. How far along are you?" Patti smiled hugging both of them. "Thank first appointment is in a few minutes...I just figured I should tell you before we leave for it...I'll find out at the appointment how far along I am," Haley laughed nervously as she and Casey headed off for the first appointment. "You see Hales it wasn't so bad," Casey smiled. "I'm glad it wasn't...." Haley sighed of relief as they got to the Doctor's office.

"Hello Ms. Reinhart...come on in," the nurse said quickly calling Haley in before anyone noticed her in the waiting room. "Thanks..." Haley smiled as she and Casey made their way into one of the rooms to wait for the doctor. "The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse said as they waited for the doctor to get in. "Nervous?" Casey said. "Yeah a little," Haley giggled.

"Hello Ms. Reinhart, I'm Doctor Miller...let's take a look at you," the doctor said as they checked her out. "Okay Ms. Reinhart it looks like you're about five weeks pregnant which means you're going to have your first ultrasound today...other than that...everything feels great," the doctor said. "Thank you Doctor," Haley smiled as she sat up. The doctor then sent in the radioglist to do the ultrasound on Haley. "Well Ms. Reinhart there is your baby...and it is perfectly healthy," the radioglist said. "That's wonderful," Haley smiled at her baby on the screen. "Just keep up with the normal prenatual care and I'm sure your baby will be happy and healthy. We'll make an appointment in 4 weeks," the doctor said. "In 4 weeks I'll still be on there any way that I can schedule an appointment with a doctor who will send their files to you in Vegas?" Haley asked. "I'm sure we can work something out," the doctor said as Haley and Casey left the office.

"Next appointment is in Vegas huh?" Casey said. "Yeah...crazy that we'll be there for my second appointment," Haley laughed. " you wanna have a Vegas wedding while we're there...nothing fancy just both our familes will come and the other contestants," Casey said. "Oh my God, that would be awesome," Haley grinned as they kissed. "Great I guess we better start planning," Casey laughed. "Yeah...Lauren's gonna flip," Haley giggled as they headed to rehearsals after the appointment.

"Hey you're back," Lauren grinned hugging Haley and Casey who had just joined rehearsals. "Yeah," Haley laughed. "So how did it go?" Lauren smiled. "Really good the baby is doing great...we have some news for everyone if we can get everyone's attention," Haley said as all the contestants sat and listened. "Okay since I have everyone's attention Casey and I have two announcements....the first one I think all of you probably have speculated about and yes it's true...we're having a for the second part of this news...we decided that we're getting married in Vegas...and you're all invited," Haley smiled as the contestants were full of congratulations for the happy couple. Almost everyone seemed so thrilled with the news of the wedding.

"I'm your maid of honor right?" Lauren giggled. "Who else would be besides you Lauren? We've been best friends for so long. We're going to tell our parents about the wedding and I'll tell my sister...this is going to be a great event," Haley smiled as the contestants then headed back into rehearsal after the exciting news of Casey and Haley's Vegas wedding.

That night was Haley's hometown concert in Chicago. It was a sold out crowd. "Wow...this is crazy," Haley said to herself as they were onstage for the first song. Throughout the entire show the crowd seemed sad whenever Haley was offstage. "Don't worry guys she'll be back," Casey laughed as the crowd kept calling for Haley after their duet. The second half in most people's minds was all about Haley which was fun for her. "Hello Chicago, man it's so good to be back home. I can't believe we sold out again here. Thank you guys so much for coming out I'm just shocked at all the support I'm getting tonight so thank you," Haley giggled.

"That song was my single 'Better' which is on this great EP I had just recorded over the last couple of years. Man, I've been crazy busy from Postmodern Jukebox to working on my own songs which was really cool for me to have you know? Hmmm what else can I catch you up on? Well let's just say since Idol was over my life has gotten a lot well better haha," Haley laughed as the crowd cheered again. "Thank you coming at you next is Mr. Scotty McCreery with his new tune called 'Southern Belle' hmm I wonder who that's about...give it up for him, Scotty McCreery everyone," Haley laughed as she walked offstage, the crowd cheered loudly for her. The entire concert in Chicago was Haley centered. The crowd cheered at the end of the show excitedly since it had been yet another smash success, tomorrow they had the day off in Chicago which meant a lot of shopping and planning of the upcoming Caley wedding.

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