Chapter 4

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Rehearsal began the next day as the set list was revealed to the contestants. "You each will get two songs of your choice to perform on this tour...there will also be an opening group song that everyone will be a part of. There are a few duets that will take place during the show that have already been decided by production. No if, ands, or buts will be allowed for these pairings. For our full duets we have: Casey and Haley, Pia and Paul, Scotty and Lauren, and Lauren and Haley. Our final group song we have: Lauren, Pia, and Naima singing 'Bang Bang' by Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj," the producers began. "YES that is going to be so epic," Lauren grinned as she went off with Pia and Naima to look over the lyric sheet.

"Stefano and Haley singing 'Marvin Gaye' by Charlie Puth featuring Meghan Trainor," the producer said. "You have got to be kidding me," Haley huffed. 'Perfect,' Stefano smirked to himself. This was an opportunity for Stefano to get Haley back since she seemed to be avoiding him otherwise. "Scotty and James singing 'A Little Less Conversation' by Elvis," the producer said. "That's so cool," Scotty grinned. "We've got this dude," James agreed. "And finally Paul, Casey, and Thia reprising 'Faithfully' that was on the last tour you guys were on," the producer said as they broke off into their groups.

"So have you been," Stefano said. "Oh just great after you dumped me...jackass," Haley said rolling her eyes "Can we just focus on the song? I really don't want to deal with you but I have to. Let's just keep it professional okay?" "Fine..." Stefano said. He'd keep it least for now.

"Hey ladies," Stefano smirked as he went over to Pia, Lauren, and Naima's group after Haley and him were done rehearsing. "Stefano what a surprise," Pia laughed. "You all look beautiful today," he winked. "And you look handsome yourself Stefano," Lauren giggled flirting right back. "Why thank you Lauren at least someone apperciates me," Stefano smiled. "Well how can I not?" Lauren giggled. " glad your no longer a about you and me meet up later," Stefano winked. "I'm not going to be one of your many revolving door whores Stefano," Lauren said rolling her eyes "I might flirt back but I only sleep with guys that it would actually mean something to." "Aww come on Lauren...I'd show you a good time," Stefano winked. "She said no Stefano...get lost," Pia said. "Fine....bye offer still stands Lauren," Stefano smirked walking off. "Ugh he is so sleazy," Lauren giggled. "He really is...why did I ever date him again?" Pia laughed. "You tell me Pipi," Lauren laughed as they went back into rehearsals.

Haley headed off to Casey, Paul, and Thia's group who were hard at work at the trio Haley had once performed with Casey and Paul. "Bad rehearsal?" Casey asked hugging Haley when she came over. "More like awful duet partner...ugh why do I have the worst luck....They paired me with Stefano! It's so awkward singing about getting it on with your ex boyfriend," Haley laughed awkwardly. "I figured it would be awkward," Casey laughed "Hales...maybe you can help Thia out with our trio." "Yeah sure I can...I had your part last tour....let's work it," Haley smiled "Thanks Hales," Thia smiled as they began rehearsal together. This tour seemed to be gearing up to be one of the greatest ones yet.

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