Chapter 2

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The tour rehearsal meetings were long...they started in about where the venues were going to be, that everyone had to be on time, how many songs each contestant would get so on and so forth. 'This is boring me' Lauren wrote on a piece of paper that she passed to Scotty who shook his head, trying not to laugh. She was the same old Lauren, passing notes when they were supposed to be taking them about the tour, getting bored in meetings that for the most part had nothing to do with her. "Furthermore...if any of you show up drunk or stoned you will be kicked off the tour...we do not need any bad press about this that understood?" the tour manager said as all 11 nodded.

" onto fights. If any of you have a problem with one another, end it. Like we said we do not want any bad publicity about the all need to be one big happy family just like you appeared on TV during your season," the tour manager said. 'Great....just great,' Haley thought to herself 'Yeah you try acting nice to the guy who acted like you were psychotic when you tried talking to him. The guy you thought you were going to be with forever. The one who promised you no matter what he'd be there for you. Sure our relationship was rocky but we always got back together and forgave one another. I just have to avoid's the only way I can do what they want me to.' Haley was deep in thought when they finally released the contestants for the rest of the day...and they had tomorrow off as well.

"Hales...helloooooo," Casey laughed waving his hand in front of her face. "Sorry....I was just thinking," Haley giggled. "What about?" Casey asked. "Just having to not fight with Stefano...I'm just going to avoid's the only way I won't get kicked off," Haley sighed. "Hey don't be so down on're stronger than you made it through the meeting without killing him," Casey joked as Haley laughed "You're right...where did everyone go?" "Beach day....wanna come?" he smiled. "Absouletly...I need to work on my tan for the tour," Haley giggled as she went off to change.

"Hey anyone in here?" Haley called. "Just me," Lauren said "But you can come in...we've changed in front of each other enough," Lauren said with a laugh. "Right...Okay I'll come," Haley laughed as she got changed. She noticed something on Lauren that hadn't been there the last time they changed together. "Lala...where did you get that scar from?" Haley asked. "Oh this? I umm..ummm," Lauren began trying to figure out how to cover it up. "And those stretch marks....Lauren...answer me honestly...did you have a baby that year you were having family issues?" Haley asked as Lauren teared up.

"It's true," she sobbed as Haley rubbed her back. "Please...don't tell anyone okay...." Lauren begged. "I'm just shocked is all...didn't your boyfriend break up with you around then....or..." Haley said. "He did...but that wasn't exactly because of the baby per say," Lauren said quietly. "So he wasn't the baby's father...then who....oh shit!" Haley said as she released exactly who it was. "Shh....Haley please....if anyone finds this out....I just don't know what I'll do...I could lose everything," Lauren said in tears. "Hey....I'm not going to tell...but I really think you should tell him about your kid's only right," Haley said. "I c-c-can't..." Lauren sobbed. "Why not?" Haley asked. "Look...let's talk about this somewhere not in public that people can't hear what we're saying...." Lauren said as she saw some people walk around the changing area. "Your secret is safe with me," Haley smiled. But had anyone heard the news? The golden news that country Hottie Lauren Alaina wasn't as pure as she seemed?

"What took you girls so long..." Casey teased. "Well let's see...we were avoiding you," Haley teased back. "You're gonna pay for that Reinhart," Casey smirked as he picked her up and carried her out to the water. "PUT ME DOWN," Haley yelled as she squirmed. "Not happening," Casey laughed as he dropped her in. "Ugh you're gonna pay for that," Haley laughed getting out of the water soaking wet. Lauren smiled. At least Casey and Haley's relationship hadn't changed a fact they seemed even closer in a sense. Lauren was happy for them no matter what their relationship was. "Hey I've been looking all over for you," Scotty smiled. "Sorry it took Haley and I awhile to change," Lauren giggled. "Let me guess you got caught up talkin' again...same ole Lauren," Scotty laughed. "Yep same ole me," Lauren giggled and thought 'If only it were like that'.

"Do you wanna go in the water?" Scotty asked. "No...I was thinking maybe we could walk for a bit...maybe catch up?" Lauren said. "Sure if that's what you want darlin'," Scotty smiled. 'Okay Lauren...just ease into it and things will go back to normal...he doesn't have to know about our way...I mean my momma is taking care of him but he's ours at heart' Lauren thought to herself while they walked. "You're awful quiet...that's not like you," Scotty said. "'s just been a long time since we've really talked is all...a lot has happened over time," Lauren said. "I can understand that...There's something I've been wanting to tell you....I think you're going to be happy because it's what we always wanted," Scotty smiled. "You mean?" Lauren grinned. "Yes, Gabi and I broke up last month...I'm now free to date whoever I want," Scotty smiled. "Oh Scotty this is really great," Lauren smiled wishing for a minute she could be happier but secrets always have a way of getting in the way of happiness.

"It really what do you say? Can we go back to what we used to be?" Scotty smiled. "Yes...on one condition," Lauren smiled. "What's that?" Scotty said. "We take the relationship slow this time...I mean...if we continued our old behavior who knows what could know?" Lauren said. "You're right...slow it is," Scotty smiled more than happy to have any relationship with Lauren. Although he couldn't quite understand the feeling that he was getting, that there was something more to why Lauren wanted to take it slow. 'Maybe she's afraid of having a baby when her career is just coming back from her whole family situation' Scotty thought to himself trying to figure Lauren out. The last time they had time alone she had been all over him.

It was July 7th, 2012. Lauren and Scotty had just done a show in Nashville together for the first time in ages. "Wow...that was a lot of fun," Lauren smiled. "It really was Laur," Scotty smiled back at her. "Come on...let's go back to my hotel room..." Lauren smirked leadingly. "I don't know about this Laur..." Scotty hesitated. "Aww come on...I love you, you love me...what could possibly go wrong? We were together for almost a year Scotty and those feelings don't just go what do you say....if you say yes we have a chance together...for real...if you say no...I just don't think I could handle that," Lauren said ever so dramatically. "I really love you Lauren...but I'm not doing anything. We'll go back to your room but we're just hanging out...that's it," Scotty said in a definite tone.

"Fine..." Lauren huffed as they got back to her hotel room. "I'm going to change," Lauren said as she flitted to the bathroom and changed into her one sexy dress that she remembered Scotty liked from the tour. "Hey there," Lauren smirked as she posed by the door. "H-h-hi," Scotty gulped seeing Lauren. She looked just beautiful in her sexy little dress standing there. "Hmm I think I'm going to take this for a spin," Lauren giggled as she spun around in the dress. "Lauren...cut it out..." Scotty said. "Come on Scotty....Please," Lauren pouted "It's been awhile since we..." "I know....but we shouldn't have the first time...and we shouldn't this time Lauren..." Scotty said seemingly weakened by her. " that way Scotty," Lauren huffed as she went back to change "No more cute outfit for you." "Lauren..." he sighed as she reappeared. "Yes?" she smiled. "One last time....but this is it....I love you but you drive me crazy sometimes," Scotty laughed as they proceeded to well...

After that came her long break in music but that was just because of her family and her vocal surgery. Nothing else had happened that year. Scotty would've heard about it had she had a baby or something right? 'There's no way that even happened' Scotty tried to tell himself 'Lauren would've told you....she knows you would've helped her through it all even if that meant breaking things off with Gabi...I would never had let her go through anything like that alone.' Scotty thought to himself as he sat on the side as Lauren went in the water with the other contestants. 'I have her back now...that's all that matters.' Scotty said to himself. Having Lauren was all that mattered to him at that very moment.

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