Chapter 16

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The contestants arrived in Vienna for their next concert and had to go straight into rehearsals when they got there. The drive was only about 4 hour drive but they did it with just enough time to dive right into rehearsals and meet and greet. Haley was nauseous but it wasn't as bad as it had been the last two days. She just more felt uncomfortable so she was able to go to the meet and greet which she was glad about. She hated not going and meeting her fans. After the meet and greet she seemed very tired. "I think we should let her rest..." Lauren said to the tour producers who agreed to do so since Haley hadn't been feeling well the last couple of tour stops.

"Geez how long did I sleep," Haley jumped when she saw it was only an hour before showtime. Lauren laughed "You slept for like 3 hours..." "Geez..I've never slept this long like ever," Haley laughed. "Yeah..." Lauren said. "Okay what's up? It seems like you want to say something to me and you keep hesistating so spill it Lauren," Haley laughed. "I just don't want to speculate but...the last time I had your symptoms....I turned out to be having Travis," Lauren said. " you think I'm preggers?" Haley said. "You might be....I mean the nauseua, the random craving of guac late at night, the just kind of adds up," Lauren shrugged. "Wow....if I actually turn out preggers I am the dumbest person in the world I was blaming it on the bad fish," Haley laughed. "We've all done that trust me," Lauren giggled. "Thanks for not getting all judgemental on me," Haley smiled hugging Lauren. "Hey what are best friends for?" Lauren smiled.

"Well there's one problem now..." Haley said. "And what's that?" Lauren asked. "How the hell do I get a test without the lovely press posting it all over the blogasphere?" Haley asked. "Well...that's definitely going to be a tough thing to do...I had trouble getting around it myself....I think what you need to do is just go late at night when no one is expecting you to go...just pay cash so there's no records of you buying a test," Lauren suggested. "Is that what you did?" Haley laughed. "Maybe...I mean I am the expert...I kind of hid the fact that I even had a baby for a few years," Lauren giggled. "Fine...I'll take your advice expertesse...but I've got to tell Casey before I go get the test...just in case the press posts about it you know?" Haley said. "Yeah...makes the most sense to do," Lauren smiled as the girls prepared for the start of the show.

They started off the show with their usual mashup of 'Born To Be Wild' and 'Born This Way'. Lauren as usual introduced Stefano who was onstage. "Hey you," Haley smiled at Casey. "Hey," Casey smiled back. "Can we talk...away from everyone else," Haley said. "Is talk a word for something else," Casey teased. "Actually for once it's not," Haley laughed. "Sure," Casey smiled as they walked off to another room to talk.

"Okay...well I was talking to Lauren today and you know how I've been all weirdly off these last couple of days...she thinks that we might be having a kiddo...I mean she'd probably know the best of anyone I'm close to," Haley said. "So wait...are you..." Casey said. "I'm not sure but I'll be taking a test after the show when I go buy one," Haley said as Casey picked her up and spun her around. "I can't believe it we might be having a baby..." he grinned. "I's crazy..." she giggled a bit. They walked back out to the other contestants who disregarded them walking off besides Lauren who knew what was going on.

The concert ended yet again on a high, while it wasn't a sold out stop it had sold at least 90% of the stadium which was in the normal for this tour. The contestants headed outside to meet the fans and after meeting the fans Haley headed off to a pharmacy that had pregnancy tests and bought one per Lauren's instructions. "Did you get it?" Lauren smiled as Haley nodded. "Oh my gosh I wish you luck...whatever happens I'll be happy for you," Lauren giggled. "Thanks it okay if I get Casey for this event?" Haley asked. "Yeah sure the more the merrier," Lauren giggled as Haley brought Casey to their hotel room. "Wow this feels scandalous...I haven't been in any of your hotel rooms Hales," Casey teased. "Shut up you goober," Haley laughed as the took the test. "Here we go...5 minutes and we'll know," Haley said as she waited the longest 5 minutes of her life.

"Well is there a result?" Lauren grinned. "There is..." Haley said. "And..." Casey laughed "Gosh Reinhart don't Seacrest us with the result." "Fine. We're having a baby," Haley smiled as Casey lifted her up and spun her around as they kissed. "Aww you guys," Lauren said "See I told you there was going to be a cute little growly baby coming." Casey and Haley laughed when Lauren said that remembering when they had an announcement and Lauren thought it was about a baby. "Well now I'm going to have to tell everyone eventually," Haley laughed. " the end of the tour we might see a little bit of the baby showing," Lauren grinned excited for her two friends. "I am wiped...I better sleep because it's good for the kid," Haley laughed. "Yeah, yeah I guess I'll leave...I'm so happy Hales," Casey grinned as he went off. Haley fell asleep shortly after that because the next day was full of yet another tour city.

The next morning the contestants headed into Philadelphia and had some time off to go sight seeing as well as to do whatever they wanted until rehearsal time. "I guess for me this means more sleeping because I am wiped out," Haley laughed. "I think I'll take a nap too," Lauren giggled the tour could be exhausting for pretty much everyone unless they had slept well the night before. The show tonight was yet another sold out show and the concert went over well with the fans who were raving about it. They had to do the same thing yet again in Hershey the next night to another sold out crowd. They had the next day off so the contestants decided to go to Hersheypark for the day before heading off to Columbus, the next stop.

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