Chapter 13

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Reporters were interviewing everyone backstage. "What the hell?" Haley said. This never happened during the tour. All interviews were supposed to only happen after the show was over or before it began. They should not be in the middle of the concert. "Excuse me...we have a show going on why in the world are you here," the tour manager said. "We need to be the first to get the scoop about the McLaina baby...." one of the reporters said as the others nodded to agree. "Everyone will be more than happy to oblige to any interviews AFTER the concert," the manager said. 'The McLaina baby? How in the world did they know about Travis,' Lauren thought to herself as she looked at Scotty and Haley who both looked just as confused as Lauren did that word had gotten out. Lauren thought someone from the tour had spilled it...but who would do such a thing?

"Haley you didn't..." Lauren began. "Hell no....why would I do that to you Lala? The only person I told was Casey. You know he would never tell," Haley said as Lauren nodded to agree. "I definitely didn't say a word," Scotty said. "I didn't think so..." Lauren sighed. Gosh this was so confusing. Lauren still had to do a show with all this drama on her brain. "How in the world did they find out?" Lauren huffed trying to get answers. Everyone said they didn't say a word but someone had to have the just had to. "Show is back on in 5 minutes. James get ready," the tour manager said as the tension backstage amounted to a whole lot more.

"I think I know who told...who's the biggest jerk in the room...Oh yeah Stefano," Haley said, hands on hips. "What the hell? What would I have to gain by telling Haley? That makes no sense," Stefano said rolling his eyes. "It makes total spread something around making you more relevent. You did it to hurt me because you're just a jerk," Haley shrugged. "Hales...I think he has a point...he really doesn't have anything against me...none of you do...that's what makes it so hard to figure out where this is coming from," Lauren sighed. "I think I might be of help," one lingering reporter said.

"What makes us think we can trust you," Haley said angrilly, ready to call security. "Please don't call security....I will tell the truth about what happened. One of my coworkers got the story because they tailed Scotty and Lauren back to Lauren's mother's house. They saw the child and heard Lauren and Scotty interacting with him....that's how they found out. I hate when some people take their stories too far like tailing the celebrites home...I'm sorry this happened," the reporter said. "You didn't do it...there's no need to apologize," Lauren said polietly. "I hope it all turns out well for you Ms. Alaina," the reporter said as they left. Lauren didn't exactly know how to feel anymore about what happened.

"Are you okay?" Scotty asked Lauren who looked dazed. "I don't even know what I am right now...I have to tell the truth tonight," Lauren said. "Are you sure you can handle that?" Scotty asked worried for Lauren. "I'm very and Travis are the best things that have ever happened to me and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm going to go out there and admit everything but just ask that they respect our privacy, and especially Travis' privacy. I want him to have the best life possible and being in the spotlight might not be good for him," Lauren sighed. "If that's what you want I'm all for it," Scotty smiled as they kissed. Lauren was ready to tell the truth when the show ended.

The show was yet another smashing success. The audience was thrilled with how great the concert was. After the show it was time for those interviews. " there a camera I can talk to for one of these interviews so everyone can see what I'm going to say...I mean it's not that I don't trust what y'all write down...I just want everything I say to be there for people to see," Lauren said as one of the reporters granted Lauren's wish to talk to a camera. For the first time in her life, Lauren Alaina was nervous being in the spotlight.

"Hey there is a rumor going around that Scotty and I had a baby a few years ago....I can tell you that this rumor is true. We did have a baby boy. However we are not raising him. He's being raised by my mama and her husband here in Georgia. Travis is the most important person in my life and I wouldn't trade him for the world. The only thing I want to ask of everyone is to please respect my privacy, Scotty's privacy, and most importantly Travis' privacy. I want him to have the best possible life that he can have without cameras following him everywhere. I want him to be able to be a kid without having everyone looking at him just because he's Scotty and my child. That is all I ask of anyone who sees this video. I love you...thank you," Lauren said as the video went off. She felt like she did all she could to make the best of the situation.

The reporters seemed satisfied with just that video. It seemed to have answered all of their questions and they left the arena. "You did so great baby," Scotty smiled hugging Lauren. "That was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life...but I think it was worth it because I finally have everything out more secrets from anyone and it just feels so good," Lauren smiled. "I'm proud of you," Scotty smiled as they kissed before heading out to meet the fans that night. For the next tour stop was the long awaited proposal and Scotty and Lauren could hardly wait to finally be engaged.

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