Chapter 1

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Florida bound was where the former Idols were headed for the start of the tour rehearsals. Just last week they had all been told that by popular demand American Idol was funding a reunion concert tour of the season 10 cast. It had gone past all of their booking agents and the tour was a go. "I just can't believe I have to spend an entire summer with him again," Haley sighed as she boarded the Los Angeles plane with her boyfriend, Casey. "Hales...It's going to be okay...I've been telling you this since the time they announced the tour," Casey said stroking her hair. "It might be okay for you Casey but I just can't stand the sight of him ever since..." she stopped herself short as she saw Stefano boarding the flight.

"Small world," Stefano winked as he got on the plane. "More like small plane....please tell me you're not sitting here," Haley pleaded. "I'm not...I've got seats with James in the back by the bathroom...just so you know where to find me if you wanna get back into the mile high club," Stefano winked as he walked off. "YOU SEE?" Haley huffed. "Hales...relax he flirts with everyone like that....just ignore him," Casey sighed, he hated seeing Haley so upset. Ever since Stefano broke her heart about 3 years ago she was never right about him. Haley blamed it on the incident when she was booed singing the Michael Jackson song but Casey had a sneaking suspicion it it was something else that had made her finally break it off with Stefano and hate the sight of him.

"YES we're all sitting together this is going to be great!" Jacob grinned as he took the final seat next to Casey and Haley. "Thank God you're seated with us Jacob," Haley sighed of relief. "Let me guess Stefano's on the plane," Jacob laughed. "Ding-ding-ding we have a winner," Haley laughed. "Girl...don't even worry about him...he's probably going to be all over the stuardesses and he'll leave you alone," Jacob smiled. "'re right...I hope," Haley sighed as she put on her music just trying to ignore the whole Stefano situation.

James and Stefano highfived seeing each other. "Dude I've missed you," James said. "You too man...geez Haley looks so pissed at me," Stefano said. " kind of broke her heart man," James said. "Yeah but I just thought she'd be over that by now...I do it to girls all the time," Stefano shrugged. "Maybe it was the way you did it dude...I mean it was pretty hurtful pretending like she was making the whole relationship up and that you weren't with would you like that done to you man," James said shaking his head. Stefano shrugged "Like I said...I do it all the time," "Whatever dude," James said as his eyes widened as Pia and Paul got on together. "Since when did that happen?" Stefano said. "I have no idea," James said shaking his head.

"Well I guess this is goodbye for now," Pia smiled taking her seat next to Naima and Thia. "Yeah...If you need me I'm with Stefano and James," Paul smiled taking his seat. "Dude what the hell?" Stefano said. "So Pia and I are together now...." Paul began. "And when were you going to tell us?" James asked. "Eventually...when the time was right...." Paul said. "Dude if this was about my relationship with Pia...that's long 5 years over...besides I'm into all women," Stefano winked. As James and Paul rolled their eyes at him. They were proud of him when he had the solid relationship with Haley for 3 years and thought that he had matured. After he broke things off with Haley he went right back for being a flirt with all women.

" wasn't that it's just..I think this might be a serious real relationship...and I didn't want it all over the web...that really didn't help my last marriage remember?" Paul said as they recalled his 2 year marriage to Nikki. "Yeah...sorry dude...I didn't think about that," James said. "It's okay...look we've been going strong for 6 months and I hope to keep it that way...that means no flirting with her Stefano," Paul laughed. "Fine with me...there are plenty of other ladies to flirt with," Stefano smirked as he looked at Haley. "Dude...I wouldn't try to go back there again...." James began as Stefano rolled his eyes. "I can and I will...she was the best I ever had and I plan on getting her back before the end of the tour," he smirked as their flight prepared for take off.

Meanwhile in Nashville, Lauren was checking all of her bags to make sure she was packed and ready for 3 months of touring. It had been awhile since Lauren had been on the road for that long of a time. 2013 was a hard year for her with everything that went on in her personal life which was why she took that entire year off from doing anything. She was still writing but she stayed in her apartment in Nashville...or so she told the media. Part of that year she spent back home in Rossville with her mother who was the only one in on her secret, the one secret that had torn her relationship apart for good. Lauren swore she would never mention what happened again even though it pained her to keep holding on to it.

Scotty also prepared his bags and headed for the Nashville airport. Being newly single himself he was looking forward to seeing Lauren again, they had a bit of an affair everytime they had seen each other in Nashville...although in 2014 she had missed out on a few events that they looked forward to seeing each other. Nonetheless he was looking forward to spending 3 months with her to possibly get back the relationship they once had. They had broken it off due to scheduling differences but they were young and immature back then...who knows...maybe this time it would work out between them.

"Well if it isn't Lauren Alaina," Lauren heard a deep voice behind her say. "Hey you," Lauren smiled hugging him. It just felt good to be back with Scotty. She missed him whenever they weren't together. "How have you been? I haven't seen you for awhile now....not since June of last year..." Scotty began. "I know...I'm sorry about that...I've just been really busy to hang out is all," Lauren said. Busy. That was her excuse. She had seen him at many events, she even posed with him but she couldn't spend anytime with him anymore...not she couldn't think about that. "Yeah...well I've missed spending time with you," he smiled. "You too," she said politely. In some ways Lauren dreaded spending the entire summer with Scotty again. She didn't want those feelings to resurface that she had for him. She felt she had done so much wrong by much wrong that he didn't even know about.

"Our plane is here," Scotty said interrupting her thoughts as Lauren headed on the plane as Scotty helped her with her bags. "Geez Laur, did you pack enough?" Scotty laughed. "Shut up," Lauren giggled as she took her seat behind Pia. "Oh my've grown up so much," Pia smiled taking a double take at Lauren. "Pipi! I missed you so the blonde looks so good on you," Lauren smiled hugging Pia. "How about her luggage carrier," Scotty teased. "Oh my gosh Scotty...I almost didn't recognize babies are getting too big," Pia laughed hugging both of her 'babies'. "We're not babies anymore chapperones needed...and we're all 21," Lauren giggled as she sat down. "I know I'll always be my babies to me," Pia laughed.

"Well since Lauren said we're all 21 should we get this party started?" Haley laughed getting the good stuff, the champange. "To a great tour," Lauren giggled as the contestants all clicked their glasses, for the first time in 15 seasons, American Idol was about to have it's first reunion best bet it was going down in history as one of the best tours of theirs.

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