Chapter 7

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"H-h-he's mine?" Scotty said losing his voice. He had a kid? He had a kid. Why did Lauren keep it from him for so long? Lauren nodded slowly nervously "I'm so sorry...I was scared to tell you...." "Why would you be scared to tell me? Did you think I'd be mad? I wouldn't have Lauren....I really cared about you," Scotty said fighting back his emotions. "I care about you too...I just didn't want the media finding out....I just wanted him to have a normal life..." Lauren said also trying not to cry. "So you thought keeping him from me would keep him away from the media? Lauren...I get what you were trying to do but....I just don't get why you couldn't have just told me about him....You could've said 'Scotty I want him to have a normal life so he's going to live with my folks' and I would've got it...but no you didn't tell me anything...gosh darn it Lauren....I can't be here...I'm sorry," Scotty said as he rushed out of the ride. Lauren finally let herself cry. She had really messed up.

Scotty got back to the hotel unsure of what to even think. He was mad at Lauren yes, but he didn't want to be away from his kid anymore. "Geez see why you shouldn't cheat...this is what happens when you cheat," Scotty sighed to himself feeling horrible about what he did. He had always felt bad for cheating on Gabi with Lauren but he never once regretting being with Lauren...until this moment when he saw how selfish she could be.

"Are you okay?" James said seeing Scotty pacing around the room. Scotty had gone into his room but James was just stopping by to talk about the duet. "No....not at all," Scotty sighed. "What happened dude? You look like you just saw a ghost," James said. "I didn't see a ghost but...well it's complicated," Scotty said as he began to explain everything that happened between him and Lauren from the first time they cheated to finding out that he had a son named Travis.

"Well that's a lot to take in Scotty...I can see why you were pacing," James said "Yeah...." Scotty sighed. "What are you the most upset about?" James asked "Just that she hid my own kid from me for so long...I mean I really cared about her and then she does something like just really makes me wonder if I can trust her at all," Scotty sighed. "I get that completely...did she tell you why she did it?" James asked. "Well she said it was to keep him out of the media...I understand why she would want to do that but I could've kept quiet. I told her if she had asked me if he could live a normal life out with her parents I would've said fine but what hurt was the not telling me anything she was going through. I just thought our relationship was more than that...I know it was to me," Scotty said. "I think you've got a lot to think about with Lauren...." Jame said "What would you have done if you were me?" Scotty asked. "I'd probably feel how you feel....I don't know what I would've done if it were me....well besides being involved in the kid's life now that I know he exhists but with Lauren...or whoever....I don't know..." James said. "Believe me...I get it I'm just not sure what I want to do right now," Scotty sighed. "Well whatever you decide I wish you luck," James said as he headed off.

Lauren headed back from her day at Disney which after Scotty left she couldn't bring herself to enjoy as much. She felt awful for all she did. All she wanted to do now was disappear. She headed back up to her room in tears. "Oh boy...that doesn't seem good..." Haley said. "Stay away from me...." Lauren shot at Haley "I know you were the one to call my mom to bring Travis here....thanks Haley Scotty hates me." "Lauren...I'm sorry he hates you but I don't think me bringing your kid here is the reason he hates you," Haley said. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME OKAY! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE HALEY I MEAN IT! I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU," Lauren huffed. "Fine..." Haley grabbed her bags and left the room. Haley did feel bad that things didn't turn out like she had hoped but she did get Lauren to finally tell Scotty which was the step Haley felt Lauren needed to take.

"Hey can a stray Haley stay here," Haley laughed walking into Casey and Paul's room. "Sure you can...what happened?" Casey asked. "Lauren's mad at me....Scotty found out and now he's mad at her which made her mad at," Haley said. "Well Hales you probably shouldn't have medled but I think you did what you thought was right," Casey said. "Thanks," Haley smiled as she sat down. "Hey Haley...are you staying here now?" Paul laughed. "Yeah....Lauren kinda kicked me's a long story," Haley laughed. "Gotcha...welcome aboard," Paul laughed. "Thanks" Haley smiled.

The next couple of days rehearsal was very awkward, especially since the tour was starting up the next week. "You guys need to pull yourselves have fans that have paid thousands of dollars to see you guys live again. Can't you pull it together for them?" The tour manager said to the contestants. "Guys...the manager's right...this drama is tearing us apart," Pia frowned. "We'll try to keep it professional," Lauren said cooly. "'ve been one of the main sources of the drama," the tour manager huffed. "What can I's a gift," Lauren said rolling her eyes. "Oh boy here we go," Scotty sighed. "I'll try to get along just for the fans because after this I'm not talking to any of you," Lauren huffed as she stormed off.

"I'll talk to her..." Pia offered. She and Lauren had been very close thoughout Season 10 and she figured she would be the best person to try and get through to a stubborn Lauren who seemed to be fighting with everyone else. "Thanks're an angel," Paul smiled kissing her as Pia headed off to find Lauren. It didn't take her long because Lauren was in a corner crying to herself. "Hey...." Pia smiled. "What do you want?" Lauren huffed. "Lala...I just want to talk that's all...." Pia sighed. "They sent you to come get me...ugh," Lauren huffed. "They didn't send me...I volunteered. Look Lauren, we all love you and care about you...why are you suddenly fighting with everyone on the tour?" Pia asked. "It's a long story," Lauren said. "I've got time," Pia smiled sitting next to her friend.

"Well....Scotty and I have a kid together....a 2 year old boy named Travis....Scotty didn't know about him because I kept him a secret from Scotty because I worried about you know the media finding out and..." Lauren started tearing up. " babies have a," Pia said stroking Lauren's hair. "Yeah...I guess you can say that....well I wasn't planning on telling Scotty because I was just so scared that he'd be really mad at me but I just never knew how to tell know while I was having Travis.....I worried that he'd reject me or worse...tell the media all about me having his kid and bam I'd be everywhere," Lauren sighed. "Lauren....Scotty would never have done that...rejecting you I can understand but he really cares about you...I think you really hurt him with what you did," Pia said still stroking Lauren's hair.

"I know....I just hate being so stupid over this...I didn't want him mad at me...I just wished I could have found the strenght to tell know before it got to this point," Lauren sighed. "What about with Haley?" Pia asked. "Well Haley thought it would be a good idea to invite my mom and my son out here...thinking she was helping me you know get the strenght to tell Scotty...she did do that but it backfired on me because I waited too long....I guess I shouldn't be mad at her but....I hate admitting I'm wrong," Lauren sighed. "Well...I think if they heard what you said to me I think they would forgive you....especially Haley," Pia smiled. "You're right....I'm really sorry I've been so nasty lately..." Lauren sighed. "Hey we all have days like that Lala. It's going to be have all of us that are here for you," Pia smiled. Lauren then headed inside to make the apologies that badly needed to be made.

"Hey..." Lauren sighed. "'re not yelling at me...that's a good sign," Haley joked. "Haley...I'm really sorry about how I've been the last couple of days...I've just been really angry at myself. You did help me do something I was so scared to do because I just worried about what Scotty was going to say to me or how he would feel about any of this," Lauren sighed. "Apology accepted...Lauren I know how you can be...and I know it was probably scary for you and I should've thought about how I could hurt you so I'm sorry too," Haley said. "Friends?" Lauren asked. "Until the end Lala," Haley laughed hugging Lauren. It felt good to have her best friend back. "Just one question," Haley said. "Yeah?" Lauren replied. "Can I move back in now," Haley joked. "Duh!" Lauren laughed "Now I need to apologize to another person I did a lot of hurt to," Lauren said as she turned to go apologize to Scotty.

"Hey there..." Lauren said. "Hi...." Scotty said. "I don't know how to even say this but I'm really sorry for keeping Travis a secret for so long....I was scared. I was scared you'd just reject me....I know we cared about each other but feelings can change when there's a baby involved....I didn't want things between us to get so complicated because everything with us had always been so easy...just don't hate me," Lauren sighed. "I don't hate you...I could never hate you Lauren....I've been fighting with myself over this over and over again. I just don't know how I should feel. I do know that I love you a lot.....and if you'd let me...I'd like to be a part of Travis' life," Scotty said. "I would love that," Lauren smiled. "I'm glad....and one more thing Lauren...." Scotty said. "And what's that," Lauren said as Scotty got down on one knee and said "Lauren Alaina Kristine Suddeth, will you marry me?" 

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