Chapter 3

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The next day the contestants had off they spent at Disney World. "Race you to Space Mountain," Casey grinned at Haley. "You're so on," Haley laughed as she ran after him. None of the other finalists knew it but Casey and Haley had started dating within the last year. They had been good friends for the first year after Haley's break up with Stefano since Haley needed some time to heal over being so hurt by Stefano. Casey didn't mind waiting for her since he cared far more about her feelings than his own. Haley had moved in with him that year since before that she had lived with Stefano. At first Haley wasn't sure of where she would go but eventually Casey convinced her to move in.

It was August 29, 2012. There was a knock on his door around 4 AM. "What in the hell?" Casey yawned as he woke up. He answered the door to see a tearful Haley, a sight he was not very used to seeing. "Hey...sorry to wake you....can I stay here tonight?" she sighed wiping her eyes. "Of course you're always welcome here...what happened?" Casey said wrapping a supportive arm around his best friend. "Stefano happened...ugh I hope I never see that bastard ever again...I'm moving out of our apartment as of tomorrow...I should've never gotten back with him...why am I so stupid?" Haley cried. "'re not stupid Hales....I'm sorry for whatever he did to you," Casey said lifting her chin up and wiping away her tears. "Thanks Casey...I really needed a friend tonight," Haley sighed as she took the couch. "No problem...Hales...just take the bed I can sleep out seem like you've had a rough enough night....we can talk if you want," Casey smiled. "Thanks...but I disturbed your sleep enough for one night....I'll talk to you tomorrow," Haley smiled a bit as she headed into the bedroom and fell asleep.

Casey layed on the couch feeling awful for his best friend. Haley and Stefano's relationship had been anything but steady but what in the world did he do that she rushed over here to get away from him? Casey's mind went to the worst that he had physically hurt Haley in some way. 'If he touched her in any way that she didn't want...I swear I will beat the crap out of him' Casey thought to himself as the sleep took over and he fell asleep for the night. He could only hope things would get better for Haley in the morning, and he was right, they would get better.

"Good afternoon Reinhart," Casey laughed as Haley rolled out of bed around 2PM. "Shit I slept really late," Haley laughed as she walked out. "Don't worry I wasn't up much before you," Casey smiled. "Thanks again for letting me crash here last night...I really needed a place to stay," Haley sighed. "What happened last night Hales?" Casey asked. "Well Stefano and I were going to perform at a Michael Jackson Tribute...he booked me at it at the last fucking minute and I had such little time to prepare...he gave me a song I didn't know that well and I had to read it off a fucking phone screen and on top of that I forgot the fucking words," Haley said annoyed. "Did anything else happen?" Casey asked. "Yep...I was booed offstage and that jackass left the place, pretended like I wasn't with him and the fucking OWNER had to tell the people to stop being such was the most humilating thing that has ever happened to me and I don't usually get embarrassed like ever," Haley sighed. "I know....Hales...I'm really sorry he did that to you," Casey sighed. "That's what I get for giving him so many chances..." Haley sighed.

"So...what are you going to do now?" Casey asked. "Get all my stuff and find a place to stay I guess..." Haley shrugged. "You know you're welcome to stay here until you find another place..." Casey smiled. "You are too much....I don't know if I can accept that," Haley smiled. "Sure you can Reinhart....I wouldn't offer it to anyone but you," Casey teased. "Flattery will get you nowhere Casey," Haley teased "Fine..I'll stay here until I find another place...I don't wanna be a burden on you." "You are definitely not a burden Hales," Casey smiled as Haley headed off to get her stuff to move in for who knows how long.

They still lived together in that same apartment. Today was their 2 year anniversary of being together. They hadn't told the other contestants about them actually being a couple because it hadn't came up. They had always spent a lot of time together so the other finalists just thought it was normal Casey and Haley behavior but tonight they were going to tell everyone the truth.

The finalists met back on the bus after a fun filled day at Disney full of rides and sometimes meeting fans. It was crazy to all of them how many people remembered them from the show and had said how much they loved their season of American Idol. They did promote the reunion tour at what used to be the American Idol Experience. Many people were excited that the reunion would be happening even though the dates had yet to be released. The contestants then headed out to dinner together. "Okay guys I have an announcement," Haley said standing up. "I KNEW IT!" Lauren grinned. "What did you know Lala," Haley laughed. "You and Casey are having a cute little growly baby," Lauren said.

Casey and Haley looked at each other and burst into laughter. "Close...but no," Casey laughed "I don't think we're going to have a kid anytime soon Lala." "Aww man...but your babies would be cute," Lauren pouted. "Go on with your announcement Haley," Scotty laughed as he wrapped an arm around Lauren. "Thank you Scottward...Casey and I are celebrating our 2nd year anniversary as a yes it's true we are a couple," Haley smiled as she sat down. "To Caley!" Lauren giggled raising her glass as all the other contestants did the same except guessed it Stefano.

The contestants then headed back to their hotel rooms for the night. "How the hell did that happen?" Stefano huffed to his roommate James. "Stefano...go to sleep," James said with a yawn. "I will did Casey and Haley actually happen...she could have me but she goes with him! Ugh I knew when she moved out she probably moved in with him," Stefano huffed. "Then just shut up so I can sleep...or go bother someone who's not tired," James said as he turned over. "Fine...I'll go find some hot ladies to flirt with," Stefano smirked as he headed to the hotel bar to pick up some girls. That would be his way of dealing with not having Haley...trying to replace her.

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