"Fag," a man, not too much older than me 'coughed.' "Little gay boy."

Ignoring his rude, immature comments, I didn't dare to even look at him as I passed by. Finally I reached my seat, slumping down a little, to be comfortable, and to hide. I crossed my arms about my chest, hiding the heart on my shirt. Although I should be showing off my shirt, for gay pride and all, I didn't. In fact, I was really self concious about my sexuality. I didn't want to draw any attention to myself; why did I even wear this shirt?

I pulled my phone from my pocket, checking for texts. There was one from my mother that read: "Have fun honey, please try not to fight with your dad."

I replied with a "Too late." and shoved the iPhone back into my pocket when my dad came and sat next to me. "About time." I huffed.

"Louis, please listen to me." He started, sounding truly sympathetic. "You know that I've never been a huge supporter of gay rights and such... But, for you, I can make an exception. I may not love the fact that my only son is gay, but I do love my only son, so I do support you, okay? I'm sorry for all the conflict over the past few months."

"Thanks dad, that... It really means a lot." I said, accepting his apology. "I'm sorry too."

He pulled me in for a hug, telling me again how he's sorry. He pulled away right as the announcer came on. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen!"

I waited for the first match to be announced. "In this corner we have Shane Mosley weighing in at 180 pounds, and in this one, Anthony Rodriguez at 210."

"Who do you think will win?" I aske my dad, knowin nothing at all about this sport.

"Well, even though Mosely's thirty pounds lighter, he has more muscle than Rodriguez... So, Mosely." He hypothesized.

I nodded, turning back to the ring. Rodriquez threw the first few punches, one after another, after another before Mosely threw one back, and then kicked him in his upper thigh. He went to kick him again, but Rodriguez caught his ankle. Soon after, Rodriguez was announced the winner.

We had to wait ten minutes for the next fight, but when the announcer came back on, the crowd went wild. "In this corner we have George Danvers, weighing in at 185 pounds, and in this one, Harry Styles weighing in at 160."

"Who do you want to win?" My father asked me.

"Uh, I want the Harry guy to win." I said, my gaze focused on the boy in the ring. His long brown curls were already sweating... I bet he was working out back there before now. He had a perfect an impressive aray of abs across his stomach, making mine fill with butterflies.

Harry threw the first punch, and then a few more. The other guy, I don't even remember his name, threw some back, and the fight started getting intense. Punch after punch, Harry made my stomach toss itself around in my body.

Laughing at how much I was paying attention to the particular fight, my father asked: "You fancy the Harry boy, don't you?"

"No, I just... Like boxing... It's intense." I lied, feeling my cheeks heat up though. My father laughed again, rolling his eyes at me. I bit my lip, continuing to watch the hot curly haired boy throw punches. After a mere twenty minutes, he was crowned the winner of the match, and I stood up and cheered for him, clapping loudly. I got a few stares from people around me, including my father. Embarrassed, I sat back in my chair and shut my mouth.

"You just like boxing." He laughed once more, mocking my lie.

There was one more match before the intermission that I'd watched after Harry won, but I wasn't really paying attention; I was busy thinking about Harry, his hair that looked ever so soft, and his toned abs that I'd give anything just to touch, or even just to see up close."

Golden Gloves (Larry Stylinson) {Co-written with @bradfords}Where stories live. Discover now