Chapter 14: He Knows

Start from the beginning

"What are they saying?! What are they saying?!" Niall demanded to know.

"Didn't you hear? It's a commercial break now!" Liam said shoving Niall off of his lap. "A, com, mer, cial, break!" Liam said, tapping Niall's head with the clicker at every syllable. I giggled a bit seeing Niall's face twitch a bit every time the remote hit his head. For a while after that, we sat on the couch, waiting anxiously to see what they had to say about Niall and I. You could feel that there was a tinge of fear between the two of us. There was a high chance that it would probably be negative, and all the fans were probably so broken by it. Thinking about it made my heart ache, but at the same time, I didn't really care all that much. People could say what they wanted. It wasn't like I was on any social media websites, so anonymous hate was already out of the question. Life was actually easier when it came to not having a phone, for that exact reason.

When the program came back on, all three of us leaned in close to the T.V. Liam turned up the volume as Harry sprinted from the kitchen and sat on the chair next to the couch.

"Leaving their gig last night at Madison Square Garden, Niall Horan of One Direction was seen holding hands with a girl. No one knows who she is or where she came from, but needless to say it looks like they are together! One reporter says he heard Mr. Horan telling people to get away from his girlfriend, knowing that fans and paparazzi alike where trying to get the dirt on his new girl. Sorry directioners, looks like Niall Horan is off the market! 

And that was it. No more words about it, nothing bad about me, or any crazy rumors. I felt a smile grew across my face as the T.V showed the picture of Niall and I leaving. We were together, and people knew that now. I wouldn't have to worry about anyone taking him away from me. For Christ's sake, the guy gave me a debit card and we haven't even been together a whole day! I wasn't just some girl Niall met on a train. I was so much more than that. I guess people were right when they say you just click with people, because that's what happened to Niall and I. 

"Well, congratulations you two." Liam told us with a smile. I glanced over at Niall, who had that same exact smile on that he did last night. Liam then got up, and pulled Harry back into the kitchen. Niall scooted closer to me, then slung his arm over my shoulder.

"So, what does it feel like to be dating superstar Niall Horan?" He asked, immitating the reporters voice. I let out a laugh, then got serious, still smiling.

"I wouldn't know." I told him, and his smile faded a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I wouldn't know, because I'm not dating Niall Horan, superstar of One Direction." I told him, and he was silent, but I simply smiled and continued. "I am dating Niall James Horan from Mullingar Ireland, who got...what's the right word? Lucky, yes, very lucky, when he tried out for X Factor." I said with a smile. Slowly but surely, his smile returned, and he pulled me closer to him.

"So, it was all luck?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Well, you are Irish so it would make sense." I giggled, and he just laughed along with me. There was a short silence between the two of us. In the sheer silence, he crashed his lips into mine. At first, I was taken by a bit of a surprise, but quickly enough, I began to move in sync with him. Everything was perfect once again. The rest of the world was gone and it was just Niall and I. Nothing could ruin this perfect moment. Niall's head moved forward a bit in a jerking movement and he pulled away and turned back towards Liam and Harry.

"Keep it PG you two. This is a kid friendly show!" Liam shouted jokingly, causing me to giggle a bit. Niall mumbled some swear under his breath, then turning back around. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. For a while we sat on the couch in silence, until Niall smiled at me.

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