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I feel so damn guilty. For all of you.
That I am ending this story.... In just 1 last chapter. I am so sorry guys! 😔😔
I love this story, I never loved an story this much. Especially not my own story.

I am so damn sad.
All day long.
Because of this😭

I can't get over this. I never forgive myself for stopping.

This hurts too.
Everything does.
I need a big hug.
And someone who tells me everything is going to be fine. That I need to be strong. And that I don't have to be so guilty....

I will tonight update the last chapter....
I promise, it's the sweetest chapter you'd ever read💘

But still. I am sorry.
Thank you for everything though. All the Reads. Votes. Comments.
I'd never thought to come so far.

But this is because of BecauseOfUsAlways she told me to believe in my stories. And I did. Because of her, this is growed. 50 chapters is long. So yeah. Endings here....

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