Chapter 46

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The next morning I felt heat all around me. I breathed out loudly. And opened my eyes. I realized that I didn't had any clothes around me, did I care? Mh. No. I sat straight up, with the blanket still covering above my breasts. Rick was already gone, and he packed a suitcase. I saw one closed, and one still open. Probably his clothes. I found my bra on the ground, and I put that on. I found a shirt, and took that too. Walked to the closet, took some fresh clothes and took a shower. When I came out, the suitcases where both gone. I chuckled and walked to the living room. The first one I saw was Rick, making everything ready. Valeria and Vanessa where playing on the ground. And from Caitlin no sign.

"Look girls! Mommy is up!" Rick said, and 4 eyes pointed in my direction. They jumped up, and runned to me.

"Hey girls! How've you sleeped?" I asked, and they clings onto me. I felt Vanessa slightly nodding against my chest. What made me smile.

"Do you want some breakfast Kate? As sooner you eat, as sooner we can go." Rick said, and I got the girls to the table. I sat them down in their chairs. And turned to Rick. But before I could speak, he spoke again. "And I pecked our suitcases already. Ans the clothes of the girls are in ours. Only Cait, she wasn't up yet. So I let her sleep."

"I am gonna wake her, she needs to have breakfast too."

"Yeah, okay. I will serve the girls some. And make some for you and Caitlin." I smiled, and then walked upstairs. I walked to Caitlin's room, and already some lights where on. I knocked on her door and it opened immediately.

"Morning mom!" She said happily.

"Yeah. Morning." I laughed. "Since when are you in a good mood when you wake up?"

"We're going to The Hampton's! It's way to cool there. Hell I want to go!" I chuckled. And she began to smile.

"Well, your dad is making dinner for you, So hurry! Oh and don't forget your suitcase. And don't bring to much clothes with you, I know you want too. But don't!"

"You know me too well." She laughed, and I gave her a look.

"Hurry!" I said, and she dissaperead in her room. I chuckled and walked back down. Rick placed that moment a plate on the table, and I smiled. I walked to him, and gave him a kiss.

"And that because?" He smiled.

"Can't I just kiss my husband?" I asked, and smiled.

"Oh, no reason? Mh, I like that!"

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, and took his own plate. He sat down, and Caitlin runned down the stairs. She took a place on the table, and Rick gave her some breakfast.

When we finished, Rick brought the bags and suitcases to the car. Caitlin and I washed up, and made sure everything around the house was clean for now. Once that was done, we took Valeria and Vanessa. And walked out. I locked the door behind me, and walked to the elevator. It rode down slowly, as usual. But once we where down, Rick was already waiting by the car. He took Vanessa out of Caitlin's arms, and Caitlin crawled into the car. Then we sat the twins in the car. Once everyone sat, we got in ourselves and started our long trip to The Hampton's.

This chapter is boring as hell. Well, that's what I think. I don't like the chapter. Next will all be better, but I think this story is walking to an end soon. Because there is nothing left. I have no ideas more. If you have an idea, please tell me in the comments! I need to know what ideas you have, and what you might like in the story! So tell me your ideas, please!! 😇😇😇

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