Chapter 37

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Josh called us in, and he started talking. I didn't pay any attention. I kept my eyes on him. Because he tried to kill me in like 3 times. No way that I trust him.

"Kate?" Josh snapped his fingers in front of me.

"Oh sorry, could you repeat that Doctor?" I asked.

"Ofcourse, well. We need you two to sign this papers." He showed the papers.

"Wait, can I ask one question?" I asked.

"Ofcourse, Mrs.Castle. Go ahead." Josh teased.

"Well, what's the cause of death?"

"She blood to dead. A deep wound in her head."

"I don't believe you." I stated.

"And why Katherine?"

"I want her to the 12th precinct. For an full autopsy. There must been fingerprints over the body. I am not letting it here. Oh and, I am not signing. Until we get her to Lanie!"

"I need to make sure you get permission for that Miss."

"Don't 'Miss' me Josh. I get what I want. And you know that." I slammed on the table between us, and stood half over the table to look him right in the eye. "So, get her to the 12th precinct. Am I clear?"

"Ofcourse you are. And you never let that go? Do you Kate?"

"Never. I will be at the precinct, let them come with her Josh! Or I kill you!" I backed up, and Rick followed me to the door.

"Sure. Will be there in 10."

"Make sure you do!" I yelled into that room, and we left.

"You sure about this Kate?" Rick asked.

"That deep wound, that wasn't her dead. More happened. You know that too. They need to share stories, right?" Rick nodded. "I will call the precinct that I am coming. You, go home babe. You need lots of rest, and call your mom. That she needs to come over tonight for dinner. No matter what. Kay?"

"Badass Bex is back." He said, and I hit him playfully and smiled. We walked to the car, got the girls in. And ourselves. We drived to the precinct, and Rick dropped me off there. "Hey, don't play the Badass Kate. Be the Badass."

"Rick. I promise you, I will be the badass. And whoever did this to Brooklin. He is going to get payed, so hard."

"Mhh, I like that Kate. Well. Go. And find that Jackass. Now." I nodded, and kissed him. "That was an order Kate."

"Yes boss." I laughed, and got out. Closed the door behind me, and Rick drove away. I waved to him. I turned around. "Let the battle begin." I said, and walked in. Like it was just a normal day. But I was full of anger. That was written all over my face. Some detectives looked at me, and took a step away from me.

I arrived at the floor, and there was that weird feeling. Everyone looking at me. All eyes where searching my body. All eyes, pointing on that one girl, just walking in the room. It was completely silent. That makes Gates come out her office, Ryan & Espo stand up. I walked in the bullpen.

"Detective Beckett." Gates said.

"Captain." Was all I said.

"I am sorry fo...."

"Don't be." I cut her off. "I just want that jackass in jail. Or I will put a bullet trought his skull by myself!"

"Badass Bex is back!" Ryan screamed. And Espo just watched me. He saw that Anger was written over my face.

"Yes. Badass Bex. Is back!" Espo said, and tried to smile.

"Guys. No time to smile. Someone killed someone I love. And if we don't find him, I am just shooting in this room. And I garantate, no one will leave this without being hurt." I said. And everyone kept quiet again. "The battle is on!" I screamed, and everyone screamed around the room. And dropped everything where they where working on, they called around. And made sure that we would find the killer.

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