Chapter 2

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"Brooke! Caitlin! Hurry up!" I yelled upstairs, and I heard feets running. From side to side.

"I guess they are going to change." Rick said.

"Little late, huh?"

"I have ordered at 7 PM. It's 6PM now. Chill Kate!"

"You know me, I always want to be in time."

"Little annoyed sometimes."

"I know. It annoys me as well. But I happen to be so. I can't change it!"

"I don't want you to change!" I smiled and the girls runned downstairs. "Ready girls?" They nodded and putted on their shoes.

We arrived at the restaurant, Rick checked us in. And we where leaded to our table. By the window. Like Rick always did. He loved a place near a window. I don't know why. And I didn't ask for it either. We took a menu, and looked what we could order. Caitlin and Brooke took the Pasta Carbonara. Rick the Fish Carpaccio, and I ordered a simple Spaghetti Bolognese. We ordered some drinks too. Brooke took a  Fanta Zero. Caitlin a Cola Light, Rick and I ordered some wine.

"Brooklin is it me or are they doing what I think they are doing?" Caitlin whispered to Brooklin.

"It's not only you who thinks it's creepy. Let's settle the bet! At the end of the night mom is laying on top of this table!"

"Ew! Gross. But okay! I bet it's not true!"

"Deal!" Brooke said and shooked Caitlin's hand.

"Mom, dad. You two are doing it again!" Caitlin cuts us off.

"Doing what?" I ask.

"You two are having eye sex. Again." Caitlin said.

"At the end of the night, mom is on this table. Because that happened before." I looked at Brooke. She was making up things. "You two are "Shameless" that's for sure!"

"Brooklin! Watch out what you're saying!" I said. "Once again, and you will never leave the house again." She nodded. "Not in public anymore. Am I clear!"

"Sorry Ma." She looked down and our food arrived. We thanked the ober and we ate our food. Castle started to tell about his signing and what he wanted to buy. Brooke liked the toys he wanted to buy. And agreed with all of it!

"So. And enough talk about that Playstation. Wait Rick. You already have one! Why another?" I asked.

"Uh, this one is getting old." He replied.

"1 year old Playstation. Yes he is getting old." I teased.

"Anyways. What where you about to say Kate?"

"Oh yes. We talked about Playstation and things enough. And I can see Caitlin don't give a shit about this. Caitlin what do you want to have?"

"Oh, I want to study. That's all I want." She replied and Brooke just spitted out her food.

"Brooke. You can learn from that." I said.

"It's true! I want to be succesful. Not a writer. Dad I love you, and your books. But it's nothing for me."

"You don't have to Apologize. Do what makes you happy, besides. What makes you happy?" He asked.

"I watched one time Rizzoli&Isles, and I got obsessed with it. And I started to do experiments. Like Docter Maura Isles. Medical Examiner at the Boston Homicide."

"Wow. Okay. Sounds very intelligent. Go on!" I said. I was surprised. Very surprised.

"Well later when I am growing up, I will be a Medical Examiner!"

"Cait, that's with Death body's all day. I know you discuss them."

"Mom, true. But I want to know all the things. On Tv it's so simple, but in real it's more difficult. I want to learn how to investigate a real Homicide! Or Suicide."

"Well Cait. You are a mommy kid." Brooklin said.

"And I am proud of it!" Caitlin replied. "Why should I be an daddy kid if I have nothing to do with that?"

"Okay. You have a point! But come on, dad is cool." With this Caitlin spitted out her food.

"Cool in what?"

"Cait. You know what I mean!"

"No I... Ouch! Brooke!!" Caitlin screamed without making her sentence complete.

"Girls! Hey! Stop it!" I said and they payed attention immediately. "What's wrong with you too today?"

"Brooke didn't steal from me mom." Caitlin said and looked down.

"Oh, tell me. What happened for real?"

"She broke my IPad." Caitlin said and my day was completely destroyed.

I think Kate is very rude in this Fanfic. What do you think of her? I would like your opinion ❤️ I will update soon X

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