Chapter 10

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2 months later
Working was even hard for me. Ryan was the only one who helped me. In the precinct ofcourse, Rick helped me at home a lot with my "Mood changes". I really got sick of it! But luckily the day went by very fast. I got home. With one decision in my head, I had to tell Castle.

"Hey!" I heard Rick when I came in.

"Hey, how was your day?" I asked. I let him not noticing that I have been thinking. But he knows everything!

"Uh, you weren't here. So, little bored." He said, looking at me. "Oh no! You have been thinking! Kate?"

"What?! How the hell!? Okay, yes! I have been thinking. Hard this time."

"Oh ooh." He stood up from the kitchen table. Walked to me, took my hand and took me to the couch. "Tell me!"

"I decided to stop."

"What? Are you breaking up with me?" He schocked.

"Oh what? Hell no! Why would you think that!"

"I thought you where going to mean that by "stop". You scared me!"

"Babe, I am stopping with the precinct. I can't be there any longer, when no one accept me how I am!" He shocked again.

"Huh? Why? Why can't they accept you?"

"Because of my mood changes. I have them, and I can't get them away. I don't know how they came here, and what the hell they are doing here."

"That's the only reason?"

"I don't want to be the "bad" Cop all the time. The one who screwed all the cases. I haven't solved a case in weeks! Because no one lets me do it! They don't trust me anymore Rick!" I said, looking into his ocean blue eyes.

"Babe! You don't have to stop because of that."

"I don't feel well there anymore."

"Kate! You have been there in like, forever! You can't give up!" He said, and I didn't answer. I didn't want to go back! I screwed up, and it was done now! I was done there. No matter what. I am done.

"Rick!" That makes him looking into my eyes, deep. "I am done there. Tomorrow I take resignation."

"WHAT?! You can't!"

"I already am done there, I signed the papers. Tomorrow I will get my stuff." I said and stood up. "Oh and by the way tonight Lanie, Espo & Ryan are coming over. I will tell them tonight."

"Right, you want me to make dinner?"

"If you want to?"

"For you, always! It's that important to you, huh?" I nodded. "I support you."

"Thank you, I will dress up. And then help you. Kay?"

"Go ahead! I cook dinner. You don't have to help cooking."

"You sure Rick?"

"Yes!" Was all he said, he kissed me. I smiled, and walked to the bedroom. He walked to the kitchen to make dinner. Once I reached the closet, I took out my favorite Blue Dress. I took out my Blue matching heels, and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, and then put on my dress. I already smelled Rick's delicious food. I didn't really know what he had planned. But it smells good. I searched for my make up. It wasn't in the bathroom, I walked to the bedroom. Nothing.

"Rick!" I yelled from the bedroom.

"What's up Babe?" He yelled back.

"Have you seen my make up? I swear I layed it back in the bathroom!" I said and walked to the door openening. "I swear I did!"

"Didn't you take it to the precinct?" He asked.

"No! I swear I layed it back!"

"Well maybe I know where it is." He teased.

"You took it, didn't you?"


"You did! Where is it?"

"No! You don't need any make up. And it's not waterproof. I guess you're gonna cry."

"What? Why do you think that?"

"No make up for you tonight."

"Oh come on!" I yelled and walked back into the room.

"That's my girl!" He yelled after me. I laughed, and walked back to the bathroom. And I heard a knock on the door.

"Caitlin! Brooke! Open the door, I can't open it!" I heard Rick yelling, and the girls runned downstairs.

"Lanie?!" Caitlin yelled and I heard Lanis chuckle.

"Where is your mom?" Lanie asked, and I heard footsteps coming my way. "Well well well. Look who's here!" I smiled and turned around to her. "Damn girl! You look stunning!"

"Oh Lanie! Stop!" I laughed.

"Guys! Espo and Ryan are here! And dinner is ready!" Rick yelled. Lanie and I laughed and we walked back to the living room.

"Oh it smells good Castle!" Lanie said. We walked to the table and sat down. We talked for a while, and ate. We shared stories. Until Espo started to look starnge at me.

"Kate? Why where you calling us over?" Espo asked.

"Uh guys." I began, and all eyed where on me. "I-I resigned."

"WHAT?!" All three yelled.

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