Chapter 15

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3 weeks later
The phone rang, and Brooke wasn't at her desk.

"I have it!" Caitlin said while she passed. "Caitlin, Castles P.I Office?" I looked at her, her face expression turned. From happy, to scared. Or kind of. She walked to my office. Without laying the phone down.  "Mom?"

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Uh, that was the 12th. They needed our help with their case."

"Well, let them come over here! I knew they needed our help. I just knew it, are they still on The line?" She nodded. "Tell them to come over."

"Yes sir!" She laughed, and so did I. She walked out and answered the phone. She hang up and nodded to me that they would come, I smiled and she walked away. I stood up and walked to Rick, who was writing in his own office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." He answered without looking up.

"Guess who needed our help?" I asked and he looked up.

"What? The boys? The 12th?"

"Yes. I told you so that they couldn't live without our help. They probably haven't a new detective, like me. Because no one can replace me."

"No one can. And I will never replace you, you are the best Captain I'd ever seen!" He smiled, and so did I. "Are they coming this way? Or are we supposed to go to them?"

"Nope, coming this way. And by the way I am going to search Brooke. She wasn't at her desk. When you need me, or when the boys are here. Call me!"

"Make sure you find Brooke. We need her." He teased. I laughed and walked out. I kind of walked around the whole precinct. No sign of Brooke, once I reached Caitlin's office. I walked in. No sign of Brooke and Caitlin.

"Cait? Brooke?"

"Mhh?" Caitlin looked up from the couch.

"Sorry that I waked you up."

"No it's okay. What's up?" She sat up.

"Have you seen Brooke? I guess she doesn't want to miss the excitement of her "first" real case?"

"Last seen she was walking around here, probably out for a drink or so? I don't know mom, sorry."

"Nah, no problem. But I guess she wanted to be here at the moment. Well. I am going to wait for the boys. I call you when I need you. Kay?"

"I will be here!" She said and smiled. I smiled too, and walked out. I walked straight to my desk, and tried to call Brooke. She didn't pick up. I sended her a couple of messages. And Rick walked to me.

"Found her?" He asked.

"No! She just disappeared. She is gone, Caitlin doesn't even know where she is. Do I need to worry?"

"Brooke is always walking away. So no. She will be home tonight. I promise!" I nodded and the elevator dinged. 2 guys walked out, and stopped in the middle of the bullpen. Caitlin heard it too, and slowly made her way to them. I looked Ryan right in the eye, and he looked down. Rick and I walked to them.

"Look who's there!" I said, crossing my arms.

"Long time ago." Rick said.

"What brings you here?" I asked, I already knew. But okay.

"Katherine Beckett, you're under arrest for the murder of Neil O'Connel." Espo spoke. And I froze.

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