Hello's and Goodbye's

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                We were all snuggled up together, watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Eddie, Kevin and I at least. Aleks was making us snacks and drinks. After we had explained the short version of the past few months to Kevin, we decided we had done enough talking and needed to relax and have a fun night. Although we decided to not drink… more like I had been forced to agree not to drink. The boys all were having beers.

                Aleks turned the blender on right as the murderer burst through the door into the kitchen. I screamed bloody murder and turned into Eddie. At least I had thought it was Eddie, but it was Kevin. Oh well, I was scared! He put his arm around me and at first, it didn’t bother me. This was Kevin, my best friend from birth. But then I started thinking about how my boyfriend was sitting right next to me. And the other guy I loved was in the kitchen.

                A loud crack came from the movie and suddenly I was having a flashback. The night of the attack… my head hitting the coffee table…a loud crack… hearing Aleks beat the shit out of Steven… the bright hospital lights and the ambulance…

                Next thing I knew I was screaming again but not from fear of the movie. Fear of Steven and… of myself. Was I really such a horrible person to cheat on Eddie? To meet Aleks at the airport, a plan to come back home with him and not Eddie?

                “Olivia!” it was Eddie, shouting my name. Then it was Aleks, then Kevin. But then it was Jack, and then Steven. Another flashback… but a flashback from years ago.


                “Olivia, sweetie! Come out here!” Steven called to me. I could hear his and Jack’s drunken laughs. I rolled my eyes and exited my bedroom, walking to the entrance of the living room.

                “Yes?” I asked, annoyed. I had work tomorrow and wanted to sleep.

                “Come sit with us! Have a drink!” Jack said, gesturing to the counter which was covered with several different types of alcohol and beer.

                “I’m bad with alcohol, no thanks.” I turned to go back to bed. But Steven was behind me quick. He moved fast for being drunk. He grabbed my hair and ripped it back, pulling me into the living room and throwing me into a chair.

                “We… we are th-the men!” he stammered, too drunk to talk, “and you will fu-fucking come when we… we tell you!” he slapped me. Jack laughed and asked to try.

                A few hours later, I still lay on the ground of my living room, blood dripping out of my nose and mouth. I could feel the broken rib from the kick Jack had delivered. Possibly two broken ribs. I laid there until Steven woke up, came out- unaware that this was part of his doing- and called 9-1-1.

*flashback end*

                I was lying on the ground at this point, holding my head in my hands, curled up in a ball. Too many memories were chewing at my mind… everything I had run away from. I felt myself being lifted but I was too numb and too angry and too upset and had too many emotions and memories hitting me that I couldn’t tell who it was. I felt my bed underneath me and grabbed my pillow, burying my face in it. I sobbed for what seemed like hours. Eventually I fell asleep.


                I sat by Olivia’s bed, not having moved for the two hours she had been sleeping. I had carried her here when she became unresponsive. Her eyes had been open and her mouth as well but no noise came out or tears leaving her eyes. She finally started sobbing once we got to her bed but none of us were sure what exactly had happened. Aleks was sleeping on the couch and Kevin had left a few minutes ago.

Love Triangle (ImmortalHD/SlyFoxHound fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now