Chapter 22: Turtles run Portals called Purtles

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The Purtle (A Portal ran by a Turtle)

"Fallen Leaves, what are you doing here?" Gleamstar gasped, asking the question every reader was thinking. He was an ancient cat and didn't believe in StarClan!

"I'm here to deliver a prophecy," the tom meowed, apparently being deemed an important enough character to give the protagonist a new prophecy.

"I already know the prophecy," Gleamstar meowed, rolling her eyes. "Out of the darkness, stars will come and get rid of the evil tiger and holly."

"That's not the one I mean," Fallen Leaves explained. "I mean...there are dark threats in the forest."

"What?" the purple she-cat gasped.

"There are still cats who don't believe in StarClan," the tom answered. "Hollyleaf converted me, so now you have to go and convert everyone else who refuses to believe in the power of StarClan."

"What?" Gleamstar shouted, shocked that anyone would not believe in the starry cats. "After everything I've done for them? How could they!"

"The Dark Forest has taken over their minds," Fallen Leaves meowed. "They're using Cloudtail and Mothwing to help them. StarClan will not tolerate this lack of belief any longer. You must start a war on the Dark Forest! We've been waiting for you for so long. You are our only hope, Gleamstar. Only you can save us."

Gleamstar didn't even have time to thick-think- that is, actually think at all- about her answer before she heard someone call her name.

"Gleamstar," called Spottedleaf, "it's time to be reincarnated."

"Yay!" exclaimed the purple protagonist. She looked at the portal. It was being run by a turtle, who called the device a purtle so that the name of this chapter would make sense to the readers. The purtle had swirling bright lights.

Blackstar padded up to Gleamstar. "Go in through there," he mewed, motioning toward the lights with his tail. The tom looked sad because he would be losing his one true love once again. Gleamstar snuggled him gently until he felt better. Apparently she had forgotten the last time he had done the same thing to her she had accused him of trying to molest her. Blackstar isn't allowed to snuggle with Gleamstar, but she's allowed to snuggle with him. The narrator calls this a double standard.

Gleamstar wondered what exactly would happen when she went through the purtle, so she asked Bluestar.

"Um...we don't really know for sure," the former ThunderClan leader meowed hesitantly. "It worked once before, so we're sure it will work again. I'm sure the chances of this failing and you being injured are very, very small. Probably."

Gleamstar shrugged. Bluestar's answer was good enough for her. She stepped toward the purtle when suddenly...Ashfur appeared out of nowhere!

"No!" the gray tom screeched. "I want Gleamstar for myself!"

Gleamstar's eyes widened. She didn't want to be with Ashfur! She hurried to the entrance of the purtle and prepared to jump in. Before she could, Ashfur ran up and pushed her. As she fell trough the purtle, Gleamstar looked up, only to see that Ashfur had came through with her!

(A/N: Sometimes I really wish I could hit xdarkrosesx on the head with a cinder block, and then cradle her and tell her everything will be alright. I'm sure the force of the cinder block would knock some sense into her.)

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