Chapter 11: Lizards Prevent Jews from Poisoning Cats

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The Fight Against the (Baby)Sitters

"Oh no!" yowled Stargleam. "Lakepool is back, but she is not okay!"

"Of course I'm not okay!" Lakepool screeched. "I'm being possessed by Hollyleaf!" Stargleam's sister sprang at her, trying to attack the purple she-cat. Stargleam was so surprised by her sister's attack that she couldn't move.

Suddenly, a loud cry sounded from further away. "No!" Redpaw shrieked, racing toward the fighting sisters. She got between the two she-cats, causing Lakepool to crash into her.

"No, Redpaw!" Stargleam cried as the apprentice fell down. "Redpaw, are you okay?"

Redpaw choked, terribly wounded. "No I'm not, but at least I saved your life," she said, and then she died.

Stargleam stared at Redpaw, very sad to see her friend die. She's so beautiful, Stargleam thought as her friend lay dead on the forest floor. Then she shook her head madly. "No, I'm street!" she said angrily, apparently believing she had turned into a Thunderpath. "But now what do we do about Lakepool?"

Stargleam's sister was charging toward Lionblaze. Hollyleaf, still in control of the warrior, apparently wanted both of her littermates dead. Stargleam couldn't let Lakepool-Hollyleaf kill Lionblaze, so she attacked her sister. Her plan failed, killing both Lionblaze and Lakepool.

"Stargleam, I'll get you for this!" Lakepool-Hollyleaf cried as Satinclaw dragged her away to HellClan, which had apparently been created for cats that were too evil to even go the Dark Forest and was led by a cat named after some lovely fabric. Satinclaw, lover of fine cloth, was wearing pink nail polish, being such a fabulous and super-cool villain as he was. As Stargleam watched him drag Lakepool away, she realized her sister was dead.

Hollyleaf, who was apparently in control of her own body now, turned herself back into a bare bear and glared at Stargleam. "You killed my subject!" she screeched. "I'll get you for this!"

The bear ran for Stargleam. Her army of cats only stood and watched instead of trying to help their Clanmate. "Stargleam, get out of the way!" they cried, offering their only bit of assistance.

Stargleam turned to run away from Hollyleaf, and time seemed to slow down as she ran. Unfortunately, she ran straight into Tiggerstar!

"Firestar!" Tiggerstar yowled, still holding ThunderClan's leader captive, "you are going to die now!" The villain reached behind a boulder to grab something and held up some...JEW!

"Oh my StarClan! That poor Jew!" LaFlamepaw yelled. "But it won't work because there's a lizard on it."

The cats gathered around to stare at the lizard that apparently prevented the Jew from murdering Firestar. It was a newt. Afraid of all the large cats watching it, the newt ran away, revealing that the Jew was actually some yew.

"Eat the yew!" Tiggerstar said, thrusting it at Stargleam, who backed away.

"You'll never get me to eat it!" she cried. "You'll never take me alive!"

"Are you so sure?" he asked. Deciding that killing Firestar was a waste of time, Tiggerstar allowed the ginger tom to get up. The villain then lunged at Stargleam, grabbed her, and ran away. "You'll never catch me!" he laughed. "I'm going to ShadowClan!"

Apparently Tiggerstar had failed "Being a Villain 101"- after capturing your damsel in distress, NEVER tell the good guys where you're taking her. The narrator wondered why Tigerstar couldn't have been the villain. He'd do a much better job than Tigger.

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