Chapter 4: The Real Chapter 3

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The Training under the Single Star, because it's Apparently Cloudy, so the Cats can only See One Star

ShadowClan ran from the camp, despite the fact that there had only been one ShadowClan cat in the camp to begin with. Starpaw smiled, even though cats can't do that. She'd won! No one could hurt her family now!

"Starpaw!" Firestar meowed. "It's time we train! I want to show you how to fight even though you just beat an extremely experienced leader all by yourself!"

"Okay!" Starpaw replied. "But you just saw I could fight, right?"

"Well, yeah," Firestar admitted, "but I wanted to see if that's all you can do. There's more to fighting than just being able to defeat Blackstar."


They went to the forest together while the rest of ThunderClan cleaned up the bodies, because apparently many cats had died from the shock of watching Starpaw defeat Blackstar.

"Okay, Starpaw," Firestar meowed once they got there. "We'll start with how to dodge."

"Come on! That's too easy!" Starpaw said. She'd just beaten Blackstar! She was ready for anything!

Firestar nodded. "Alright, the let's learn how to claw an opponent."

Starpaw leaped at her mentor, not giving him a chance to attack first. She apparently hit his side hard enough to surprise him and clawed the tom, forgetting that she was supposed to have her claws sheathed.

"Wow, Starpaw," the leader meowed, "you're doing really well."

"Really?" she asked. She didn't think she was doing that well. Considering she'd had no training at all before this point and was doing quite well , the purple she-cat was very modest.

"Yes, Starpaw," Firestar replied. "I couldn't even get away from you fast enough. Only Scourge could do that before."

"Oh my StarClan, really?" Starpaw gasped. "Scourge? The terrible villain her mentor had defeated in the old territory? The apprentice had heard many stories about him. The tiny tom was evil and had killed many cats. "I'm like Scourge?"

"I didn't mean it like that," Firestar meowed quickly. "I just meant you're a really good fighter, like he was." Oh my StarClan, he thought, my Great-granddaughter looks so cute. She has the prettiest rainbow eyes and purple fur I've ever seen...

Starpaw and Firestar trained for a while after that. Somehow, she managed to beat the savior of the Clans eight times. She did let him win once because she saw that he was becoming discouraged, which was completely reasonable considering the leader couldn't beat a kit on her first day of training. By the time they had finished, Starpaw was feeling a little tired and hungry.

"Hey, Firestar, can we hunt now? I want food, even though I'm supposed to hunt for my Clanmates first," she meowed.

"Sure," the tom meowed, forgetting that he was supposed to make sure his apprentice followed the Warrior Code.

Starpaw messed up a few times while hunting, which was to be expected of course, since this should have been her first time. Unfortunately, it was actually her second time, so she should have been perfect by now. She had practiced hunting one night as kit when her Great-grandfather had snuck her out of camp. At any rate, somehow she was able to catch enough prey to feed the entire Clan.

That night Starpaw and Jazzpaw sat outside looking at the stars. "Do you think we'll ever be up there?" the purple cat asked.

"Yeah," Jazzpaw said. "You'll be leader one day and I'll be deputy, so we'll have to be, even though not all leaders go to StarClan."

Starpaw nodded. She knew she would be going to StarClan. She was perfect in every way. The apprentice smiled at her best friend, whom she loved like a sister, and together they fell asleep under the starry night sky.

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