Chapter 8: Apparently There is no Chapter 7

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The Ceremony

Starpaw skidded into camp. "Firestar!" she yowled. "I have to tell you something!"

"Not now, Starpaw," the leader meowed. "You've got to become a warrior now, even though you've barely been an apprentice!"

"Really?" the purple she-cat asked, shocked.

Firestar nodded. "Yeah. You've only been an apprentice for 3.14 days, but you are the best apprentice in the Clan. You are perfect in every way, so I'm just going to overlook the fact that you've hardly had any training at all. We need your help to defeat Blackstar, even though you've already defeated him, and we need you to defeat all the other Clans. We're in the middle of a war, and every Clan is attacking us, and it's such an important matter that I haven't mentioned it until now."

Starpaw for some reason didn't think it was odd that ThunderClan had been at peace and had suddenly gone to war during the twenty minutes she was gone talking with Blackstar and Jayfeather. "We're really at war?"

"Yeah," Sandstorm mewed. "Dustpelt died while you were gone. RiverClan attacked us." The ginger she-cat was sad that Firestar loved Starpaw, and since she was completely out of character, she decided to let the leader be with the purple she-cat instead of fighting her for him.

"Oh my StarClan!" Starpaw gasped. She turned from the way out of character Sandstorm to face Firestar. "Make me a warrior! Quickly!"

Firestar nodded and leaped onto the High Ledge. "Let all cats who are old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the High Ledge for a Clan meeting!" he called. "It's time for a warrior ceremony!"

The Clan gasped and immediately began cheering for Starpaw, somehow instantly knowing it was the youngest apprentice who was being made a warrior, and not an older, more experienced one.

The ginger leader waited for the Clan cats to gather before he began the ceremony. "By the powers of StarClan, I give you a new name. From now on you will be known as Stargleam- for your pelt that sings like the stars and your connection with StarClan."

"Starpaw! Starpaw!" her Clanmates cheered, having already forgotten the she-cat's new name.

"Firestar," Stargleam meowed. "I want to tell you something."

Hope flared in the leader's green eyes. "Yes? What is it?" he asked, apparently wishing that his Great-granddaughter would be his mate.

"Firestar..." she began, not believing she was finally telling him that she loved him. She had waited so long- an entire day!

"WindClan, attack!" a voice howled, interrupting Stargleam's confession of love to Firestar.

She whirled around to see who had called the attack. It was...Hollyleaf!

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