Chapter 14: There are 11 Commandments Now

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The 11 Commandments

Stargleam came down to the ThunderClan camp. It was dark, and no cats were outside.

"All cats gather!" the she-cat yowled. At once, obeying the protagonist, her Clanmates came out of their dens and gathered around her, even though she had no authority over them.

"Here," she meowed, shoving the two rocks toward them. "Look at these stones. You must follow these Commandments for your whole lives if you want to go to StarClan when you die. The Warrior Code has been extended, so learn these rules and obey them.

1. Thou shalt not commit incest, unless your name is either Stargleam or Firestar.

2. Thou shalt not make pictures of anything and worship them. If you do, you and your grandkits shall be punished. Your kits, however, shall not be punished at all.

3. Thou shalt not say StarClan's name in vain.

4. Thou shalt keep up with Clan activities six days in a row and then worship me for one, for I am the most important cat in ThunderClan.

5. Thou shalt respect your mother and father.

6. Thou shalt not kill otters. StarClan has named them their favorite animal. Other cats, however, can be killed in battle.

7. Thou shalt not be unfaithful to your mate, unless your name is Stargleam, Firestar, or Graystripe.

8. Thou shalt not steal from the other Clans.

9. Thou shalt not lie about the other Clans.

10. Thou shalt not be jealous of the other Clans.

11. Thou shalt not be gay.

The ThunderClan cats gasped.

"I'm sorry," Daisypaw, who had apparently been made an apprentice even though that never actually happened in the books, said. "I've been a sinner. I'll try to be better from now on." The rest of ThunderClan nodded in agreement.

Stargleam was so happy! Her Clanmates were on the right path! If they followed StarClan's new rules they could never go wrong!

Suddenly something caught Stargleam's eyes. Redpaw, who had apparently come back to life, and Lakepool were kissing!

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