Chapter 6: Blackstar Wants a Hug

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"I...I..." Starpaw was so confused! These two cats had just asked her to be their mates, and what was she supposed to do? They were both handsome, but both already had mates! Firestar was so kind, and he obviously liked her a lot, but he was her Great-grandfather. Graystripe, on the other paw, was so funny and cool, but just as old as Firestar.

"Exclamation point!" she yowled, turning and running into the forest. It was too much for her to handle. She just couldn't choose between them!

She ran and ran and ran until her paws hurt. Then she realized she had crossed the ShadowClan border. Oh no! she thought. ShadowClan will get me!

Blackstar just happened to be nearby when Starpaw had crossed. Still angry about being beaten by her the day before, he marched up to the purple she-cat angrily. "What are you doing here?" he growled.

"I'm sorry!" Starpaw apologized. "I didn't mean to."

The ShadowClan leader, feeling slightly out of character, decided to take it easy on the apprentice. "It's okay," he meowed sympathetically. "No one's perfect."

"That's not true!" Starpaw meowed. "StarClan is."

"What do you mean?" Blackstar asked, confused.

Starpaw explained her flawed reasoning. "Well, they give us help, so that means they're perfect. Without them, we would all be lost."

For some odd reason, the ShadowClan leader didn't question Starpaw's explanation. "I guess that's true," he meowed. "Besides, I didn't really mean it anyway."

"Oh really?" Starpaw asked. "Why?"

"Because you are," Blackstar replied, even though she wasn't perfect- she'd crossed his border! He apparently had developed a crush on the odd-colored apprentice, and tried to snuggle with her instead of chasing her out of his territory.

"What are you trying to do?" Starpaw yowled, backing away. "Molest me!?"

"I-" Blackstar tried to explain that he had only wanted an innocent, friendly hug, but Starpaw wanted none of it.

"I don't need another tom after me!" she cried, running back into ThunderClan territory. "I have enough problems already!"

"But you're perfect!" the ShadowClan leader called after her. "You beat me in battle, so you have to be!" Apparently, Blackstar had forgotten this was not the first time he had been beaten in battle...

Starpaw ran through ThunderClan's forest. "No, it's too much!" she cried. "StarClan help me!"

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