Chapter 21: Hawkfrost has a Sore Head

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"Oh no! Brokenstar!" Gleamstar cried angrily. "I can't be talking to Brokenstar!"

The purple she-cat ran away, leaving the apparently asthmatic Ashfur behind her. She ran and ran until she crossed the border into StarClan.

"Welcome to StarClan," Yellowfang meowed. She was standing there with Brambleclaw, Leafpool, Spottedleaf, and Blackstar.

"Blackstar, you're not in the Dark Forest!" Gleamstar meowed happily. She was glad to see he was in StarClan. She did still love him after all.

"Of course not. Why would I be there? I love you too much!" Blackstar said, apparently believing it was his love for the protagonist that kept him from going to the Dark Forest.

Gleamstar narrowed her eyes. "I guess that's true. But I can't be in StarClan! I've already been here once. I can't do it again!"

"Well, you've died again," Bluestar meowed. "But don't worry- we can send you back again, even though the Clans are better off without you. We can't, however, send you back the same way we did last time. We're going to have to reincarnate you this time."

"Oh my StarClan!" Gleamstar gasped. "You mean I get to be reincarnated like Cinderpelt was?"

Cinderpelt walked up to the protagonist. "Yeah, that's what happened to me. I was reincarnated."

Spottedleaf glanced at Gleamstar. "But you're going to have to wait for a bit. We've forgotten how we reincarnated Cinderpelt, so we have to figure out how to do it all over again. Go do something for a while."

"Okay," Gleamstar meowed, turning around to walk away. She looked down on the High Oak, hearing a mournful cry. Hawkfrost was standing over her lifeless body.

"Gleamstar, no!" the tabby tom yowled. He looked up angrily at the sky. "StarClan, how could you do this to me? We were about to be married!"

"I'm sorry, Hawkfrost," Gleamstar murmured sadly. "I'll be back soon, I think."

Hawkfrost looked around wildly, apparently able to hear Gleamstar's voice. "What? Who's there?"

"It's me, Gleamstar," the purple she-cat meowed.

"I can't see you!" the tom cried, desperately searching the island for his mate. He bumped his head into a tree and fell down. Apparently in his mournful state Hawkfrost didn't realize that hitting his head against a tree so hard it would knock him unconscious wasn't going to bring Gleamstar back.

"Bye, Hawkfrost," Gleamstar whispered, turning away from him. She didn't want to be there when he woke up.

"Hi there, Gleamstar," a new voice meowed. A cat the protagonist didn't know appeared before her. "I'm Fallen Leaves," the cat meowed, apparently forgetting he didn't believe in StarClan and shouldn't be there. Perhaps Hollyleaf had taught the tom about StarClan and he was working alongside the she-cat now and had come to rid the Clans of Gleamstar once and for all.

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