Chapter 10: La Rescue of La Firestar and La Flamepaw

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"Everyone, follow me!" Stargleam yowled as she charged through the entrance of ThunderClan's camp. Tears streamed down her purple face as she ran. She was so sad that her father had died and her leader was gone. "Flamepaw, Lakepaw, Mom, and Lionblaze- follow me!" she cried. "Dustpelt, come back to life and come with, too!"

They ran into the forest, their paws skimming the ground. She would kill Hollyleaf and Tigerstar for what they had done, even though Tigerstar was completely innocent and she'd already killed him. It was Tiggerstar who had teamed up with Hollyleaf!

Soon she found the villains. They were hiding behind a boulder. Hollyleaf had her paw on Firestar's neck, ready to deal a killing blow. "Haha! I've got you now!" the black she-cat laughed evilly.

Starpaw gasped. "No! Firestar! Flamepaw, attack!" she howled, sending a young apprentice into battle before the experienced warriors that had come with her.

Flamepaw hurled herself at Hollyleaf. Hollyleaf looked at her in surprise. "How could they have followed me?" she asked, lunging at the apprentice.

"No, Flamepaw!" Lakepaw wailed, realizing that her sister was about to die. The second apprentice pushed herself in front of Hollyleaf, sacrificing her own life for Flamepaw's.

Hollyleaf's claws cut into Lakepaw's throat. Blood poured out of the wound and the young she-cat fell down.

"No!" Stargleam screamed. She launched herself at Hollyleaf, but it was too late. Lakepaw was dying.

"I love you, Stargleam," her sister whispered before her blue eyes closed.

"No! Wake up, Lakepool!" Stargleam cried, apparently having gave her sister a warrior name before her death, even though she did not have the power to do so.

Hollyleaf laughed. "You don't get it, do you? I still think I'm one of the three, even though it's been proven that I'm not! I believe I have powers beyond your imagination!" The black she-cat suddenly began to change, proving that somehow she did have special powers. Hollyleaf changed herself into...a bare bear!

"Gasp!" everyone gasped. It was a hairless bear!

"I'm a shape-shifter!" Hollyleaf exclaimed joyfully.

Flamepaw turned to Stargleam, crying. "Sister, I need to go back to camp and bury Lakepool, but even though I've been an apprentice longer than you've been out of the nursery, this is my first time out of camp. How do I get back?"

"You just walk to the east," the purple protagonist replied.

"Thanks," Flamepaw mewed sadly, putting Lakepool on her back and walking in the direction Stargleam had pointed out.

"Not so fast!" said Hollyleaf the naked bear. "You're not getting away that easily!" With a roar like a volcano eruption, she leaped at Stargleam!

Everyone gasped as the purple warrior cried out in pain. She turned around to face Hollyleaf. "You can't get me that easily!"

Everyone jumped at the Holly-bear. She roared in pain as Stargleam's army attacked her. The she-cat bit the bear's fur and Hollyleaf roared again.

"Okay! Okay!" Hollyleaf cried. "I knew you wouldn't be beaten that easily!" Suddenly she became a cat again. Hollyleaf collapsed on the ground and her green eyes went dark.

As Hollyleaf's eyes went out, a howl sounded all the way from the other side of the forest, and everyone could hear it because their hearing was apparently as good as Dovewing's! It was LaFlamepaw, who had turned French!

"Lakepool, you're back!" LaFlamepaw cried happily.

Stargleam turned to face her sister, confused. "What?" Then she saw what LaFlamepaw had seen. Lakepool was running toward them, but her eyes had changed! They were Hollyleaf's!

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