Chapter 12: Hawkfrost Falls in Love

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The Sark Forest

"No!" yowled Stargleam. She ran after Tigerclaw, who became Tigerstar, who died chapters ago. She couldn't catch up with him because he was too fat, and fat makes characters fast, apparently. She had apparently been freed from Tiggerstar, who had abducted her only moments ago, but she did not take the time to explain how she got free. Maybe Tiggerstar realized he's in the wrong story and went back home to visit with Pooh Bear and Piglet.

"Why am I so useless?" she asked. "Why couldn't I kill Tiggerstar?"

"It's not your fault," said a voice from beside her.

"What?" she cried in surprise. "Who's there?"

"It's just me," answered Jay's Wing, who offered no explanation as to why an ancient cat was visiting the protagonist. "You couldn't kill him because you're not dead."

Stargleam was apparently surprised by this revelation. "What?" she asked. "What do you mean?"

"He's in the Dark Forest, Jayfeather replied, apparently having taken Jay's Wing's place. "He's already dead!"

"What do I do?" the purple she-cat asked her father, who had apparently come back to life after being killed by Hollyleaf.

"We can go to the Dark Forest, but it's very dangerous," Jayfeather meowed.

"Take me there!" his daughter ordered, and fell asleep.

Suddenly she was in the Fark Forest, which was not where Jayfeather said they were going. The Fark Forest was dark. There was no moon to light the way and it was hard to see. Then Stargleam heard a voice. It was Tiggerstar's!

"Okay, then we'll kill her and invade ThunderClan," Tiggerstar was saying to someone.

"What? No!" Stargleam cried. She leaped at the villain and was about to kill him, but then Blackstripe, an unknown character, appeared out of nowhere and warned Tiggerstar of Stargleam's attack.

The villain clawed Stargleam. It wasn't fair! Stargleam fell to the ground, blood pouring out from her wounds. There was a lot of red blood, which was surprising, since it came from a purple cat. The narrator had assumed she would have green or orange blood.

Hawkfrost padded up to the purple protagonist and looked at her. Wow, she's so beautiful and cool, he thought. I think I'll give up being evil and will act really out of character for the rest of the story because I just fell in love with a she-cat I don't even know. I guess I should save her so we can be together forever and ever.

The brown tabby tom jumped on Tiggerstar and bit him, but it was too late! Stargleam was dying.

As the light faded from her eyes, she looked up at Hawkfrost. "I love you," she meowed, apparently already in love with this former villain she didn't know at all. After she proclaimed her love to Hawkfrost, she died, and ThunderClan lived happily ever after. The End.

The narrator is just joking. It's only the end of the chapter.

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