Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

(Akatsuki's Theme begins)

"What the fuck took you so long?!?" a tall grey masked man with dark green eyes grumbled to his friend, the guy with the scythe.

"Well, it wasn't my job to lug around this bitch!" Hidan snarled as he approached not only Kakuzu, but Itachi and a shark looking guy at the rendezvous location..

"Manners Hidan.." Kisame teased as Itachi stepped forward to take Amaya off Hidan's back.

"Why can't you just have brought her back to base yourself?!?" Hidan demanded. "Why do we have to play pass the baton with the Princess?!?" as he used the formality sarcastically on Amaya, his eyes gave a teasing look to Kisame, earning a chuckle from the shark guy.

Itachi remained emotionless as he gently carried Amaya onto his shoulders.

"We've already explained the point is to throw the enemies off track..." he said as Hidan screwed up his face.

"Well they caught on fast!" Hidan snapped as Kakuzu raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean you freak?" Kakuzu asked suspiciously as Hidan sighed in irritation.

"They managed to track White Zetsu who has Amaya even though he was travelling underground, and they also saw through the traps set by Sasori and Deidara as I heard the yellings." Hidan rolled his eyes.

"Not bad for most of them being junior jounins." Kisame praised as Itachi frowned.

"Well, did our comrades survive?" he asked and Hidan shrugged his shoulders.

"How the hell should I know? I'm not their babysitter!" he snapped as Itachi nodded at Kisame to indicate that they should get going back to base.

As they were almost out of sight, Hidan remembered that he had something to say..

"Hey Itachi..." he called but the Uchiha kept walking. "I saw Sasuke." Hidan grinned as Kakuzu sighed.

The group knew that that was a sensitive topic for Itachi and Hidan is just playing with fire trying to get a reaction from the older Uchiha.

Itachi stopped walking but didn't turn back as he gave his reply.

"I was expecting his presence when we agreed to do this..." was all Itachi said as he continued walking with Kisame...


"Come on you freak let's look for the others and give backup if they need help." Kakuzu commented as Hidan swiped at him with his scythe but Kakuzu was expecting that and quickly dodged with lightning speed.

"Look who's talking! You are the freak and weirdo here not me!" Hidan yelled as Kakuzu maintained a straight face.

"You guys are the freak shows here!" Kiba yelled as Akamaru sailed through the air, landing a few metres away from the 2 enemies.

"Damn it Kiba! We already have our hands full with Naruto not being a discreet ninja! Now we have to deal with your loud entry too!" Sasuke cursed as the rest of the group appeared behind him.

Kiba just gave Sasuke an annoying smirk as Sai showed him a thumbs up.

"He's confronting them because he's obviously not the one fighting them. Whichever group moves on still need Kiba and Akamaru to track Amaya that's why he's not scared to surprise the enemies." Shikamaru sighed in annoyance.

"Hey Sasuke!" Hidan yelled. "You missed your elder brother! He just left!"

Sasuke's stance froze as his eyes hardened and he tried to concentrate on his brother's chakra. An Uchiha can easily track another Uchiha...

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