Chapter One

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Chapter One

(Crimson Flames begins)


Unknown P.O.V.:

Run... That's all I got to do, RUN...

"Where were you thinking of going..." a voice hissed behind me.

"Damn it..." I cursed as I turned in the opposite direction.

"Give it up..." a figure appeared before me.

Those eyes... Those red eyes... I looked around me and realised I've run into a dead end.

I turned around and came face to face with a pale man who had long black hair and a pair of eerie yellow eyes.

"She's mine Itachi..." the yellow-eyed guy whispered as he gave a slight chuckle and lunged at me.

The man before me smiled evilly and was about to cast a genjutsu and I took this chance to quickly use the remaining of my smoke bombs as a distraction.

I can't fight them... I just needed to run away...

I quickly used my ninja speed to get the hell out of that forest. I didn't care where I was running but I suddenly stopped when I reached the edge of a cliff.


"Where do you think you're going?" Itachi's voice whispered behind me.

My lips trembled as I turned around slowly.

I don't have enough chakra to even create a legit distraction to run away...

"Get lost Itachi..." I snarled. "I'm not part of Akatsuki anymore!"

He raised an eyebrow giving me an amused look.

"Sadly you don't get to decide that Princess." he commented before rushing towards me.

Last I remembered was the yellow-eyed man coming out of nowhere at me and that caused me to lose my footing...

(Crimson Flames ends)


(Kakashi's Theme begins)

"Why is Kakashi sensei always late?!?" Naruto yelled.

"I wish he will just kick this bad habit of his. It's driving me nuts!" Sakura sighed and Naruto gave her a funny look.

"Aren't you under Tsunade-sama's teachings now? Why do you still want to be trained under Kakashi sensei at the same time?" Naruto asked curiously.

Sakura glanced at her crush who was just sitting under a tree meditating.

"Don't be so nosy Naruto..." she mumbled and Naruto was about to ask her to repeat when Kakashi appeared in front of them.

"Sorry I'm late. I was helping an old lady cross the road." Kakashi apologised and Naruto glared at him.

"Was it a very long road?!?" he demanded.

"Was it a very old lady?!?" Sakura yelled.

Kakashi quickly changed the subject.

"Well, let's get on with our training shall we? And oh Sakura, I heard from Tsunade-sama you want to train under me so that you'll be good at offense and defense as a medical ninja." Kakashi commented as he smiled at Sakura.

"Do not try to change the subject Kakashi sensei!" Naruto growled but Sakura grabbed his arm and shook her head.

"Drop it Naruto. It's Kakashi sensei, he will always be late and will always have 1001 excuses." Sakura then gave a wry smile at her mentor. "Yes, I believe a medical ninja should not only be good at defending but also have the skills to attack the enemies."

"Well, you sure have improved a lot from what I see compared to Naruto." Sasuke said from the tree that he was sitting under.

He got up and appeared beside Sakura. Usually Sakura will blush when Sasuke stands near her but now, ever since they got Sasuke back from Orochimaru, her feelings for him is dimming.

Sakura wondered at times was it because Sasuke was away for so long or was it because his decision to leave Konoha showed how much importance he held for her despite her confession to him...

She was snapped out of her reverie by Naruto's yelling at Sasuke. Before she knew it, both boys were wrestling with each other, arguing about how strong they were.

"Alright you brats, break it up." Kakashi sighed as he used each of his hand to pick up Naruto and Sasuke by their collar and held them apart.

"Do you guys wanna train or not?" Kakashi asked as the two boys looked at him with passionate eyes.

"OF COURSE WE DO!!!" the boys yelled as Kakashi put them down.

"Alright for today, work on your spying and ambush skills. Work as a team to find me. So long!" Kakashi chuckled as he disappeared.

"What?!? What kind of nonsense was that?!? Aren't we're good enough at our ambush skills already?!? Kakashi sensei should be teaching us new fighting techniques!" Naruto yelled in frustration.

"Says the ninja who can't even pull off a legit ambush." Sasuke taunted and Naruto was about to yell at him again when Sakura stepped in between them.

"Guys we've got to work together. If not Kakashi sensei will keep making us train on spying skills only and we're never gonna learn any new fighting techniques!" Sakura intervened.

The two boys sighed as they gave in to their differences and hatched a plan on how to do an excellent element of surprise on their mentor.

(Kakashi's Theme ends)


(Shaman begins)

"Gaara-sama, we found a body floating by the river in the nearest village to us. They didn't know what to do with the body since they're not a shinobi village so they asked us for help. We thought it was a corpse but turns out, the person is alive. The stranger is being treated now at our village hospital." one of Gaara's jounins reported to him.

"Do you have any idea what is the person's identity? Background or anything?" Gaara asked and the jounin shook his head.

"Sorry Gaara-sama. The stranger is conscious now but all that remains in memory is just a name." the jounin replied back.

"Very well, I'll pay this stranger a visit later on. Let me finish up my training with my disciple." he said as he turned to face Matsuri.

"Gaara sensei, do you just want to end our training earlier?" Matsuri asked as Gaara pondered over it and finally nodded his head.

"Alright. We've trained enough for today anyway... I'll see you tomorrow." Gaara said as he walked away.

Matsuri stared longingly at his back as she clutched her fist...


Unknown's P.O.V.:

"Stop asking me to remember anything or do regression hypnosis on me!" I yelled at the medical ninjas surrounding me.

"But you may be a threat to our village therefore..." one of the ninjas spoke and I lost my temper as I grabbed my head.

"Please just stop! You're going to burst a vein in my brain if you keep forcing me to remember stuff! How can I even be a threat when I don't even remember a damn thing!" I shouted in anger and pain.

"Leave her." an authoritative voice spoke but when I turned to look, I couldn't see the owner's voice. The ninjas were blocking me.

"But Gaara-sama..." another ninja protested and I felt an increase in chakra from the direction of the voice.

"Well?" the person named Gaara spoke again.

I guess the medical ninjas felt his increased chakra and quickly left the room.

That's when I got to lay eyes on Gaara, who approached my bed with those piercing green eyes...

(Shaman ends)

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