Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

(Zetsu's Theme begins)

White Zetsu stood in front of Neji's team with a wide grin...

Tenten made hand seals as she quickly opened her scrolls which she brought and rained weapons onto the enemy.

White Zetsu was not spared by the torrential rain of weapons. His limbs were torn and even his head got smashed in.

"Wow that was easy..." Rock Lee breathed out, relaxing his fighting stance.

"No..." Neji whispered as he activated his eyes. "Byakugan!"

Neji studied the enemy carefully as Tenten asked in a curious voice.

"So what did you see???"

"He's regenerating!" Neji exclaimed as the broken parts of Zetsu started to form into more white Zetsus.

Now instead of 1 Zetsu, there are 5 Zetsus before them.

"I told you that you twerps don't stand a chance against me if you guys separated..." White Zetsu mocked them with an evil grin.

"Eat this!" Rock Lee moved at blinding speed to spar with all 5 enemies at the same time.

2 Zetsus had their legs broken and were on the ground and the other 3 had their arms twisted.

"Lee it's useless! Remember Neji said they can regenerate! We need to figure out something else!" Tenten yelled but Rock Lee is a stubborn shinobi, he wouldn't listen to any form of reasoning right now as the fight was a challenging one for the young ninja.

"Maybe if we use speed to hurt him then he wouldn't be able to regenerate fast enough!" Rock Lee yelled back as he quickly unshackled the cements which he tied around his legs and viciously used taijitsu against all 5 Zetsus, who just cracked their bones into place after being injured.

"Neji! Aren't we supposed to help?!?" Tenten exclaimed but Neji held a hand up.

"Wait, there's something strange going on with that Zetsu's chakra..." Neji said in a hushed tone.

Tenten was about to jump in to help her team mate when all 5 Zetsus did something incredible.

"Lion Combo!!!" 4 Zetsus quickly recovered and ganged up on Rock Lee, using one of his special moves.

"How does that feel you moron!" one of the Zetsus who didn't participate initially laughed hysterically but very soon he grabbed Rock Lee off the ground and jumped up into the air yelling "Secondary Lotus!!!"

"Tenten hurry stop him! I still need to observe the guy with my eyes! Something really weird is going on with his chakra flow!" Neji commanded as Tenten quickly rushed in to halt the enemy mid-air but she was too slow as she cushioned the enemy's and Lee's fall.

As the dust settled, Tenten coughed up blood as Lee groaned in pain. The Zetsu who did it to them was standing on top of them, smiling evilly.

"You'll pay for that!" Rock Lee wiped the blood of his lips. "I'll be using that jutsu..." he whispered to Tenten.

Tenten's eyes widened as she shook her head vigorously.

"Lee you can't! That jutsu hasn't been perfected yet!!!"

As mentioned before, Lee is a stubborn ninja. He suddenly pushed himself up with force, overthrowing the Zetsu on top of him, and shouted "Primary Lotus!!!"

"Lee no don't do it!!!" Neji shouted as he was already close to figuring out Zetsu's secret.

The Zetsu that was on top of him was swept up by Lee and few seconds later, he was below Lee, every vital organs crushed.

Amaya (Naruto's Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें