Chapter 19: back with you..

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A/N: so close to the end! Wow this book might even take only 3 weeks to be finished! Talk to you later....

Jack's POV

(1 year later......)

It has been a year since I haven't seen elsa... We have not even communicated. How I really missed sleeping beside her and cuddling with her.

I am actually here in the front yard sitting next to elsa's frozen white roses.

I was holding her snowman stuff toy. Olaf, the toy i got her in canada in that theme park.

I shooted 2 movies this year and it turned out great. I saw Elsa's movie too. Well i only hoped that she was with me shooting.

Everyday I often look at these roses hoping that they woyld finally melt. But It didn't!
I sometimes wanted to use my powers to melt it and magically elsa will appear next to me.

But Elsa said I have to wait for her...

I placed olaf in the balnket and laid down next to it. Its cloudy today and I want to spend my time today outside.

Elsa's POV

Im not actually far from LA right now. Im exactly in the Hotel where Jack and I stayed in the first night. In the exact room.
I was in Canada and the phillipines in the past year.

How I really miss my snowman...
How he snuggles with me everynight.

Everyday I shed tears indicating that I really miss jack.
Actually tomorrow is his birthday. And Im planning to go back home.

Life back there was sure fun and amazing. But It was not that completely fun without Jack.

I have tought the words: will you be mine forever?

And I have figured out what I really wanted. I wanted to be with my love.

Tomorrow is a very special day.

Jack's POV

I woke up finally  today.
I quickly ran towards the terrace and haven't seen the sign of elsa returning yet.

I opened my social media and saw so many notifications.
They were all birthday greetings.

I totally forgot today is my birthday. Hahahaha silly me.

I quickly took a bath and changed my outfit. Im going to the park today. Near that lake I finally said I love you to Elsa.

Last year...Her car is not here anymore. She said to leave it in mall and told me to leave her keys in the front gate.

I saw her taking it but I didn't go after her because she told me to leave her alone for a while. And since I love her I just looked at her while she grabbed her car keys and left.

I haven't used the SUV ever since the day before the engagement party. But I cleaned it as always.

I will be using my car today.
I quickly ruffled my hair and started driving.

The mean bride (jelsa)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें