Chapter 5: trip to hawaii

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A/N: hallo! Again! Play the music on top^! I really have nothing to say or anything so lets just get started

Jack's POV

I woke in shock as elsa was hugging me. She is sleeping...
The flight is at 12 but its better if we go by 9 am. I checked my watch, its already 7! And we haven't even packed yet!

"elsa!" i shook her

"huh?" she said tiredly

"its 7 am! We have to get ready for the flight." i replied to her

"oh oh!" she stood up and got a towel and went in the bathroom.

I giggled as she tripped a bit and ran as fast as she can. I went over to my luggage and packed some of my stuff.

Its like we are moving in Hawaii. Naaaah! Dont think about it Jack! This is only an arranged marriage! Perhaps she does not even like you!

After an hour we all got dress and went down to the lobby to give the keys and eat our breakfast.

Elsa was still talking to her mom on the phone.

"yup! Were on our way mom" she said while twisting her fork in the pasta

"we'll be fine mom! As if something we'll happen." she rolled her eyes in a playful way

I was still chumping on by bacon.

"ok mom, bye, love ya" then she cancelled the call

We just ate there awkwardly. It was already 8:25 when we finished our meal.

"lets go?" i said as I rounded elsa's arm on mine.

We need people to think we are a couple.

"ok" she replied

Then we got in the limo and waved at a few fans. Then off we go to Hawaii.


We finally made it to the airport. Some fans came and screamed while the gaurds were blocking them from going to us. They were whispering mean stuff to elsa? Which could be heard!

"is she jackson's girlfriend?"

"pathetic! The actress Elsa dating over a famouse actor!"

"ugh! Im way more better then her!"

"i like rapunzel better than her"

I could see that elsa frowned. I placed my arm around her and hugged her. And whispered....

"dont bother them, they just dont know what they are talking about. You are my girlfriend and act normal so it wouldn't be suspicious"

She simply nodded and had a faint smile.

Of course were ganna be riding a private jet! Obviously!

Then we got in. Elsa was already shivering. Its almost the cold season here so i placed her head aroung my shoulder


We finally made it! Elsa is still sleeping. I woke her up.

After going down we went directly to the car.


We arrived at a huge private beach which my family owns.

Elsa exitedly went inside the cottage that actually is a mansion inside.

We went to our room and she quickly lied down. I bet she is really tired.

She took off her boots and so did I.

"this place is awesome! I cant wait to play volleyball!" she said as she went out of the tarrace.

I pulled her hand and gave her the half of the necklace. ( picture on top)

"here..." i placed it on her neck

"thanks!" she said

Well I actually didn't give the other half. Obviously! She'll make ma loose!

"so... Wanna head out to the beach? Its still 4" she said

"sure! Lets change first" i replied

There are lots of places here in the private resort. Im sure she'll love it


Elsa finally popped out of the bathroom. :O she is wearing bikini inside and a beach robe outside.

"lets go already!" she said happily as she dragged me oytside the cottage.

"why dont we go first to ahaloo's" as said as I placed my stuff on the sand. Besides no one would steal it.

"ahaloo what now?" she said rudely

"just come" i grabbed her hand and dragged her to ahaloo's

"ahaloo is a friend, he and his tribe lives at the back of the beach where there is a forest but they always come to the beach" i explained

Then a tall fat guy with a crown feathers and different people around stood near a fire place.

"Ahaloo!" i screamed and gave a big hug

"jack! Its so nice to meet you again. And who's this lovely creature?" he said and pointed to Elsa

"oh actually this is elsa" then he gave her a big hug


We were just talking until music came!

"come on elsa" i grabbed her to join a little tribal dance

"oh, i think i cant" she said

" no excuses" then i finally convinced her.

Play the music above^

I showed her my awful dance move. And she laughed.

She did the same slowly and finally got it.

She was dancing like crazy. Running around kn circles on the bonfire

We both laughed

We danced like crazy!

After the song we went to the beach to have a short walk.

"so..." elsa said

i gulped

"i have this strange feeling" she said

"yes?" i asked

"ever since the day I met you like 4 days ago" she said, and I was shocked

This is your moment Jack!

"what is it" i faced her

"well-" she leaned in closer to me.

I closed my eyes.

But i felt something crashed on my feet or was it someone.

I looked down and saw elsa laying on the floor.

"elsa?" i shook her

"elsa? Its not funny you know"

"help! Somebody please!"

Then a group of resort girls came

"sir please grab a comfortable dress for the lady" she asked

I nodded and went up stairs

To be continued...

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