Well Hello There Im Your Stalker, Now Get In The Van

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I was ditching school, (like always) but I had a good reason this time. Warped Tour was happening and I wasn't going to miss out seeing my favorite band just because of Summer School. Pierce the veil are life bruh. I was lost in my thoughts when I bumped into someone.

"Dude!" I yelled out, when I fell on the ground.

The guy picked me up and stared at me with a curious expression on his face when he apologized. I looked at the guy.

He had shoulder length brownish hair.

Warm, brown eyes.

And his voice...

He sounded so much like....

"Hey, I'm Vic Fuentes."

And like a time bomb, the fangirl inside of me exploded.

"Omg, please be the father of my children!" I yelled out. "I mean hi, I'm Jennifer." I tried to calm down but omg.


It's Vic.



Do you know how many times I have stalked this guy?

A lot.

Even more than Kellin Quinn.

Vic said goodbye to me after taking a couple pictures with me and then he left.

I kept walking down the sidewalk heading towards McDonalds.

I want some fries.

And a Big Mac.

And a Hot 'N Spicy.

And a big ass Coke.

And some more fries.

As I waited for my food, I decided to go into the Play Place. Hey, I know I'm 18 but I have no dignity. Then I went to go get my food, payed for it, and I walked out of the place like a boss.

I sat down on a bench near the park and started eating. When I finished I walked around like an idiot, eating some left over of my fries. Because hey, I have no life and I'm a loner. Unfortunately for me though, being a total clutz has its disadvantages. As I wandered around, I bumped into someone else. I guess today isn't my day.

I fell on my butt for the second time that day and stared at the person. I had a frie in my mouth and I started choking on it when I realized who it was. (Ha me choking on a frie. Happens all the time tbh.)

It was....



It was Tony.



Omg! I guess I'm lucky today! I took some pictures with him and then I was on my way again. I made it safely to Sunset Park where Warped Tour was being held this year in Las Vegas and I looked around for the main stage. (I have never been to warped here in Vegas so I don't know how it works tbh okay? Okay.)

I waited until Pierce The Veil came on stage and fangirdled. (A/N not spelled incorrectly. Jennifer is a weirdo so she says fangirdle not fangirl.)

Vic was singing 'The Boy Who Could Fly' when he spotted me. He smiled and waved and I smiled too. For the next song, which was 'Bulletproof Love' Vic told the security guy something and I freaked out when he pointed over to me. The guy came over to me and pulled me on stage and



Vic sang and I was to freaked out to notice anything.

After everything happened I was walking home, high. Don't ask. It's just happened.  I wasn't noticed where I was going until I reached a deserted, dark alley. I was walking down it when I felt a presence. I turned around but I couldn't see shit. (Thank you Marijuana) so I kept walking, until someone grabbed a hold of me, they pressed a cloth to my mouth and I blacked out.

I hit my head when I woke up. It was a really small space and me being the claustrophobic person I am started to freak out. I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that I was in a trunk.

Shit, did I just get kidnapped?

Kidnapped By Pierce The Veil? No Way.Where stories live. Discover now