the party

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Steins pov~
It's Halloween night and everyone has been talking about the party. I was being a Butler of course to match (y/n). I love her a lot I hope she has fun tonight.

Your pov~
It is Halloween and I have to wear this cute and sexy outfit but i don't know how people will think of me but with Stein by my side I'm sure I'll be fine. (Btw Medusa is not in this book).

*time skip to when you and Stein are dressed brought to u by sid the zombie*
*still your pov*
Stein knocks on my door as I finish putting on my tail. "You ok? its about time to go."
"Yeah, I'm ready come in." Soon as he turned that door handle he looked sexy in it. I blushed "h-hi" he smiled softly "hi (y/n), you look stunning."
"T-thanks." He held out his arm as I took it intertwining it with mine. "(Y/n) the party is at the school you know this right?"
"Yes I do Stein."
"I'm carrying you up all those steps" I blush and giggle "you can't do that Stein I can walk."
"I insist I am a Butler."
"Ok ok whatever you say."
I smile softly as he opens the front door. "Ladies first madame."
"Why thank you Butler." I curtsey.

Stein's pov~
She courtesy's as I exit the door after her and take her hand in mine. She blushes softly looking down. "(Y/n) I love you." She blushes red. "I-i l-love y-you t-to S-stein." I smile as we walk towards the school where we see students dressed in costumes. (Y/n) clings to me a little but more as she intertwines her arm with mine. I pick her up gently bride style. She blushes burying her face in my jacket. I walk up the stairs carrying her to see what the party is all about.

Hello hello~ I live! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I haven't been updating life has been hectic. Please forgive me reader-chans. I was wondering after this book is done should I make a sequel to this book??? Give me ideas also my birthday is coming up soon December 20 I turning 16. Whoop whoop I hope everyone has a great day I'll post another chapter here soon love you all my little souls~

stein x reader (#wattys2015)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें