Important Authors note

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So school is starting tomorrow on the 11th I will try to update soon when I have free time. I telling u all this so u don't freak out ok.
So my life has been hectic because of marching band. This is why I haven't been updating. And my bf of 2 months and 10 days got me a pretty ring. He is amazing. So just wanted to let u guys know wht going on.
Also thank u so much for the 1.56K reads it means so much I was crying like a baby. Lol. So keep going and lets get it to 2K!
Also if u want to go follow my Instagram: @hailie_albarn_
So go like and follow if u want to.
I will be off now duckies
*Stein laughs* Stein: duckies *laughs* I'll see u all in the next chapter go like, follow, and comment on the story
*Stein wheels off but falls and gets up and goes away*
Ok then. Bye duckies the picture of the ring is the actual ring. Bye duckies.

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