in class what will happen

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(Like I ptomised I will continue the story so let it begin)

(Y/n) pov

You blushed as your skirt flew up showing you (f/c) panties. Every guy got a nosebleed and so did professer stein. You apologized to professer stein and the rest of the class. You took a seat in the front row next to a bunch of guys. They all kept looking at you making you blush even harder(not the sexual reference perveted minds). Stein took notice and said "stop staring at (y/n) and her boobs. You blushed so did the other guys. You asked if you could switch seats? Professor stein said " yes you may (y/n).

Stein's pov

(Y/n) asked if she could switch seats I immediately said yes. She got up and moved to an area away from all the guys and sat alone. I smiled towards her and she smiled back blushing. I said "today's lesson we will dissect this bird. You immediately said " YES!" You startled the rest of the class and stein just laughed. She sat down and blushed red.

(Y/n) pov

You pulled out your black notebook and started drawing him in boxers and a lab coat along with other drawings of him. The bell rang and you left it there on purpose. You ran out of the room and towards your apartment.

Stein's pov

I was doing my regular cleaning inspection. I came upon (y/n)'s desk I opened it up and blushed a deep crimson red. "She is a talented drawer,I need to invite her over to my house." He put the black book on the desk and left the room. He said to himself "lets see what happens tomorrow at school and at my place.
Thank you for reading I will update after 2 comments I love my duckings and all stein lovers out there until next time bye. Also the picture I couldn't resist.

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