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I posted two chapters today. Make sure to read ch. thirty three before you read ch. thirty four.

Chapter Thirty Four: 1975.

Prom was coming up soon. Summer hated dances, she never went to them. Why would she? She'd just sit all by herself, sipping on a drink, which by the way was probably spiked. As she walked down the hallways of the school, all she saw was couple's hugging, smiling as if nothing was wrong in the world. She even sees a few crying, probably broken over the fact that their crush invited someone else to prom. Is that really all they can care about? Prom even isn't that exciting.

As she was almost by her locker, she spotted Winter running down the hallway towards her, smiling happily. She smiled back a little, but couldn't bring herself to put on a wide smile. She just wasn't feeling it.

"Morning," He greeted. He was overly happy today.. Weird.

She mumbled a 'morning' back and walked towards her locker, Winter following behind her. She put in her combination and the locker opened. She freezed when she saw a little cute envelope with a red seal laying inside her locker. Summer could feel Winter burning holes into the back of her head.

She slowly took the envelope, gulping down her nerves. She opened it, no words said between the two, no questions asked. Abruptly the envelope was taken from her hands.

"Okay, I don't have time to wait," Winter said. He took a deep breath, "I've got two tickets to a concert with the 1975." Summer felt a little disappointed. She thought he was going to ask her to prom. But she hated prom, so why was she so disappointed? "You want to go with me?" He smiled. To be fair, she really loved that band and Winter knew that so she decided to say yes. They hugged quickly and parted their ways.

Broken Hills | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें