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Chapter Thirteen: Noah.

Summer brushed her soft and dark hair in the mirror. The sun was shining through the clouds, creating crepuscular rays. It was early morning and school was around the corner. Summer wasn't that agitated, because luckily she wasn't going to have biology. However, being nervous was in her nature.

Out of the corner of her eye, something caught her attention. She looked at the picture through the mirror. The frame around the old picture was slightly ruined and dusty. But Summer didn't care about that, she only cared about the picture.

The picture of Summer and Noah.

She felt her chest tighten and fresh tears welled in her eyes. She whispered his name in hope that he would come back to her. She just needed a second more with him. Not more, not less. Her face prickled with grief. And before her eyes, the only thing she could see was utter misery.

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