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Chapter Twenty Three: Goodbye.

"Summer, my love. As you're reading this I'm sadly no longer here to show you the best of both worlds. I wanted so badly to tell you, so, so badly. But I couldn't destroy you more than I had by telling you that I was dying, that there was no more hope. I always told you to keep onto hope, I wouldn't dare ruin that for you. You might be surprised to find this letter so sudden, but I hope this will help you move on. I don't want you to mourn over my death anymore. Grief and sorrow will always be near you, but it must not destroy you. So please do me a favour.. Move on. I want you to explore the world, see everything I never got to show you. I want you to find love, find a man who will love you always, take care of you and give you all the attention you deserve. A man that makes you happy. I want you to get married, get children and smile no matter what the world throws at you. And, last but not least; I want you to hold onto hope. Earth might be evil, but it is not evil enough for you not to fight back. I will always love you, my beautiful Summer. Never forget our wonderful memories, never forget how happy we were.

Goodbye my love,


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