Chapter Four

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When I woke up there was a very cold wet nose pressed up against mine. I smiled and Dexter pressed his long tongue up against my entire face. I started to laugh as push him away only making him want to play. So I flipped over dramatically when I heard my phone going off. I felt as Dexter jumped on my side and I looked to see him hanging over me. I smiled and grabbed my phone.

        “Hey babe, I really miss you. How’s getting your books going?” I read to myself with a laugh. “Dexter, your daddy wants to know how getting the books for me classes is going, what should I say?”

        He barked and I smiled, “I like that idea too.”

        I started to type as Dexter nudged me to get his way and make me pet him; I sighed and gave in as I type with one hand, “I actually just got up from a nap with Dexter.”

        “Come on boy, let’s go out.” I said and he jumped down to follow me.

        When I got to the living room Rachael was still passed out. I wondered how long I had been sleeping but it probably wasn’t all that long. I grabbed my keys as well as Dexter’s leash and clipped it on his collar. My phone dinged indicating that Cody text back, so I looked at the text, “Aw, sent me a picture of you both, pretty please?”

        I bent down to Dexter and picked him up setting him on my lap as I sat down. Once I was on the floor I pulled my knees up to my chest so I could prop Dex up on them. Then I took a picture of me peaking up over his ears. I started to type out, “here you go babe.” below the photo when I noticed Rachael sit up on the couch. She turned around to see Dex and myself sitting on the floor my face still nuzzled behind his ears.

        “Heading out?” she asked while rubbing her eyes.

        I smiled, “Yeah, I’m going to get my books.”

        “I’ll come with.” She said as she stood up, “Just let me go to the bathroom first.”

        “Of course; Dex and I will wait, right here.” I said, “Won’t we, Dexter?”

        He barked and I couldn’t help but smile. I felt my phone god off in my pocket so I pulled it out “You two are adorable we only a few more days and I’ll be home.” I could feel the glow on my face as I read the text to myself and Rachael came out from around the corner.

        “What’s making you so happy?” she asked.

        I laughed, “Do you really need to ask? There is only ever one thing, well person that ever makes me this happy.”

        “Cody.” She said acting all annoyed.

        “Shut up! You love him, nearly as much as I do.” I replied.

        She smiled, “I do love him, but I don’t love you... at all.”

        “Get out of my house.” I said coldly as I pointed at the door, “I disown you now.”

        “Best friends?” she asked.

        “Nope, I hate you.” I said with a smile.

        She smiled back, “I hate you too.”

        We both started to laugh as she walked over to where her shoes where sitting and got them on. Once she was finally ready, I grabbed Dexter’s leash and we walked out of the apartment. We walked down the steps only for Dexter to start sniffing around. I knew exactly what was coming next and I let out a sigh.

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