Chapter Two

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We walked hand in hand down the waterfront, I felt as the sand washed over my feet as each wave came up the shoreline. I still couldn’t believe I was in Florida or even that I was in Florida with Cody. I looked up to see he was watching my every move. I smiled and he smiled back.

        “What are you thinking?” he asked.

        I smiled, “Honestly, I wish I knew. I’m still trying to process all of this.”

        “Is that a good thing?” he asked.

        “Yes, of course. I’m just so overwhelmed with excitement and I’m just so happy to be here with you.” I replied.

        He smiled, “So then you’re happy you moved here?”

        “Yes, very.” I replied.


        We continued walking down the shoreline our fingers intertwined for about an hour, before finally sitting down in the sand. I kicked my sandals off and crawled into Cody’s lap as the water wash up on our feet. I couldn’t help but smile at this moment and enjoy every minute of it. I pressed my lips to Cody’s neck and he smiled as he looked down at me. I smiled up at him as he pressed his lips to mine.

        I laughed, and he raised his brow confused. “This is so cliché.”

        “What is?” he asked.

        “This, what’s we’re doing. We’re kissing on the beach while the sunsets and the water level rises. “I said with a smile, “This is such a couple’s thing to do.”

        He laughed, “Well we are a couple.”

        “Well, that’s obvious. I just mean the kissing on the beach it usually turns into, you know.” I stated, shyly. “Or at least is always does in the movies.”

        “You know happens in movies?” he asked, teasingly.

        I smiled as I pushed him, “You know what I mean by you know.”

        “I know I do, I just like making you say you know.” He replied, “But it doesn’t always happen that way.”

        “I know, but in the movies it always happens that way.” I said with a laugh.


        I shot up from my bed, as I woke up from my dream. I looked around my rather empty room as well as my empty bed. I sighed, and fell into the pillow Cody should be sleeping with and started to scream into it. I sat back up and I could hear clicking. I couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but the clicking kept getting closer and louder.

        After about twenty seconds of clicking, I knew what and who it was. I smiled, when he finally noticed me sitting on the bed. He came bolting at me; I scooped him up and started to pet him. I smiled, as I noticed Rachael come around the corner.

        “Where’s Courtney?” I asked.

        She smiled, “Over there.”

        “Over where?” I asked, once more.

        “I’m right here.” Courtney replied as she turned the corner. “Dexter is a bit faster than I am.”

        I smiled, “So what did he do this time?”

Together Forever [Sequel to Dream Catcher]Where stories live. Discover now