notre passé et présents ch.20

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“It's great to see you too Scar,” Molly smiled before I took my food and went to eat outside on the stairs where I watched some people set up the tent where the wedding would be taking place.

“Hi Shifty,” Remus said as he walked over to me.

“Oh, hey Mooney!” I said as he sat down next to me.

“What are you thinking about?”


“What do you mean?”

“Do you remember James and Lily's wedding and how Peter didn't stay. He must have been working for You-Know-Who then.” I wasn't sure if I should keep saying Voldemort anymore. I was sure he was going to try and track down whoever said it. “I was also thinking about how Sirius and I are going to have our own wedding. We were thinking about having it after the war, though some people may not be alive then,” I told him.

“I know what you mean Scar, I just hope most of us stay alive in the end.” he grabbed my empty plate and took it inside. Leaving me to my thoughts that were starting to give me a headache already.

When I returned inside I noticed Harry holding a box in his hand. “Here, this was what Dumbledore left in his will for you. None of us have opened it even the minister said he hadn't opened it. They're way too scared of you, they think you'll pretty much murder them if they touched. Plus somehow it was enchanted so only you could open it.” he turned and left, leaving me to myself in the living room.

I sat down and started to open the gift slowly. Once it was open I found two necklaces inside along with a letter. After trying to decide between looking at the necklaces or the letter first I ended up picking the letter. I opened up the letter and was surprised by what I saw.

Dear Scarlet/my dear goddaughter,

I realize that after all these years that you would give up anything to help the people you care about. When you joined the order of the phoenix you said you would die if it meant saving everyone. I've finally realized the truth behind your powers. In the end I realize that many people will die, but you will find out a way to help everyone. This war will be treacherous and many will not make it, only you can save them all. Good luck Scarlet, you'll have important choices to make in the end, some that will cause you to sacrifice something important to you. These necklaces will help your powers, they will make you stronger and you'll be undefeated.


Your Godfather Albus Dumbledore

I felt my eyes tear up as I took out the two necklaces that each had three charms on. One of the necklaces had a lightening bolt, a flame, and a snowflake charm on it. The lightening bolt since I controlled storms and wind, a flame since I controlled fire, and a snowflake since I controlled snow and ice. The other necklace had a heart, water droplet, and a clock charm. The clock since I controlled time and water droplet since I could control water. The heart was something Dumbledore, all my friends, and my family had always joked around about. They always told me I had the power to make everyone love me and how I always had people who truly loved me all around.

After putting the necklaces on I put the letter back in the box for safe keeping and placed it with the rest of my stuff. Then I decided to go to sleep since the wedding would be in the morning.

I woke up early as usual the morning of the wedding. There were already some people up, most likely helping the bride get ready for her big day. Since I hadn't really known the bride I wasn't forced to go help her, though I had got them a present.

As soon as I was done taking a shower I put on a nude color tube dress with a layered skirt and a glittered pattern on the top. My accessories were nude colored wedges, nude/pink colored feather necklace and a brown purse with my wand sticking out of it slightly. My makeup was light pink lip stick and some blush. When I was done I headed downstairs and ate a little breakfast before heading over to the living room to read until it was time for the wedding to start.

“You should head outside,” Ginny said as she walked into the living room to get me.


“I know you're hurting inside, but everything will be okay in the end. Even though they're dead, they still live inside of each one of us. Dumbledore always said something like that to us,” I smiled when she told me that.

“Yeah, you're right. Thanks Ginny,” I gave her a small hug before heading outside into the tent and taking a seat. Near the exit in case I needed to leave anytime soon. Fleur was as beautiful as Bill had told me. Her dress was amazing as well, which caused me to wonder about the different dresses I was trying to decide between for my wedding.

At the end of the wedding I talked to some people but made sure that no one knew who I really was. After dancing with a few people a patronus appeared in the middle of the room.

The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.” I recognized the voice as Kingsley's, but a didn't care at that moment. People began to panic as someone screamed, setting everyone off with a frenzy.

“You better be gone by now Harry, I can't have them catch you either,” I muttered to myself as I made lightening strike and kill several death eaters that had appeared. While my powers went to work, I began throwing spells at every death eater that got near me.

“Don't kill Miss. Potter, the dark lord wants her alive!” shouted a death eater that was soon struck to the ground. The people that were still around turned towards me in shock since they hadn't known who I was.

“If he wants me then he won't have a choice!” I shouted as I set two death eaters on fire, causing the people that were still fighting to look at me in shock.

“Fall back, we can get her some other time. She's still too powerful!” one shouted as he and others left. I took one glance at everyone's faces that were turned towards me, then disapparated back into the burrow where I picked up all of my stuff, including Dumbledore's gift. Then I left to go back to Sirius, knowing the Harry's mission had just started. Knowing that the battle had just begun.

notre passé et présents (a Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now