notre passé et présents Ch. 10

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The Past: Scarlet's P.O.V.

The weekend had been pretty dull, it was fun to help Sirius and James plan a prank and to talk with Remus about anything. The other part of the weekend was filled with my hanging our with Lily and Severus or Lily, Emily, Caroline, and May. For the most part it was uneventful, but today was going to be my first day of real lessons. Since I had always been the top of my classes I had a feeling that this year was going to be pretty easy for me.

I got up, picked out my clothes and took my shower before the other girls were even awake; I was that excited. Since I wasn't forced to wear uniform I put on a white silk one strap dress. My heels were black ankle boots with black flowers/ruffles all over the front. I had a black clutch, gold chandelier earrings, gold bangles, and a gold love necklace. My makeup consisted of gold glow eyeshadow, gold metallic lip stick, and sparkling gold nail polish that was enchanted to dry in less then a minute. I looked in the mirror and was pleased to see I looked flawless.

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By the time I was done and about to go wait down in the common room I noticed that a muggle alarm clock went off. The girls all stirred and were soon up. They all froze when they saw me. “Wow, you look amazing,” May said as she looked me over.

“She's right, you're so lucky you can wear what you want instead of uniform. Though I'm pretty sure if I had that choice I still wouldn't look as good as you.” said Emily.

“Thanks you guys, you can borrow some of my clothes if you want sometimes. I'm going to wait down in the common room for all of you, then we can go get some breakfast.” I smiled at them before going downstairs and sitting down on one of the couch's. Before I knew it a different group of girls came downstairs and froze when they saw me as well.

“You're so lucky. You seem to always look flawless” one girl admitted.

“Thanks, but everyone looks flawless in their own way. So you look amazing today as well,” I told her kindly before they left. Other groups came and went, some guys even tried to flirt with me. The funniest time was when the started to flirt with me but Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter were coming downstairs. It was hilarious hearing Sirius, Remus, and James yell their heads off at the guy. He went running out of the door. They soon left as well after I explained that I was waiting for Lily and the others. When I said Lily's name I noticed that James' eyes lit up. It was really sad to be honest that he was that in love with someone that couldn't care less about him.

I shouldn't have been talking though, because I could feel myself starting to like Sirius and I was sure that wouldn't end well. Remus had even told me that Sirius was going to leave every other girl alone until he finally had the girl he had fell in love with. It hurt me to be honest, made me feel as if I was too late and that if I had come home before this last summer I may have had a chance with him. Sirius had stuck to his word as well, he told every girl that flirted with him that he wasn't interested. James and Remus were shocked even more then I was by this news.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice they girls coming racing down the stairs. They went and stood right in front of me but I didn't notice them until they started talking amongst themselves. “She's thinking about a boy, you can tell by the way her eyes have that excitement and love in them.” said Emily in a know it all way.

“Of course you would know that,” joked Lily.

“You shouldn't be joking around Lily, we've all seen you have that look as well.” Caroline said calmly like Remus always did.

“N-no I d-don't” Lily stuttered, causing everyone, even me to burst out laughing.

“Who is he Lily?” I asked her with a smirk on my face.

notre passé et présents (a Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now