notre passé et présents ch.18

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The Past: Scarlet's P.O.V.

The last day of 7th year

I got up in a daze as I got dressed. I had on a cream layered tube dress with a black bow around my waist, a black scarf and black lace-up leather ankle boots. A leather bow bag, and black earrings were the rest of my accessories. I had on a little mascara and a nude color lip stick. As I glanced around my room and the beds that my friends were sleeping on I felt my heart break.

This place was like a second home, it had helped me through a lot of pain, not to mention everyone here. I picked up my bags and walked down to the common with them. No one was up yet, but I didn't care. We were leaving for home today, I would be stepping out into the real world.

Of course Dumbledore had asked me and all my friends to join the order of the phoenix. We were meant to help keep everyone safe from the new rise of someone called Voldemort/ You-Know-Who. I wasn't scared of the danger that awaited me out there. My whole life I had prepared myself for it, my powers were something that I wanted to help the world with.

“You're up early,” Sirius said as he sat down next to me.

“Yeah, I was just thinking of how much I'm going to miss this place,” I sighed before sitting on Sirius' lap. We were still a couple which surprised students as well as some teachers.

“All of us are, besides remember our plan,” he said with a smirk appearing on his face. We had been saving up our money and had bought a house that was pretty much in the middle of no where. No one would be able to find it unless we let them.

“That's a good thing then,” just as we were about to kiss someone cleared their throat; ruining our moment.

“Thanks a lot James!” I yelled before throwing a book at his head. He laughed as he ducked to avoid it.

“I still don't understand why mum and dad are letting you two move in with each other,” James told me.

“They trust us, besides mum thinks we're the most adorable couple ever,” all of us laughed at my poor attempt to mimic her voice. “Besides you and Lily are moving in together!”

“That's because we're engaged and going to get married in ten months when we're both 18!” he stuck his tongue out at me like he always did when I teased him.

After breakfast we all split up to say good-bye to our friends. “Bye Sev,” I said as I gave him a hug. Even Lily gave him a hug even though they hadn't been getting along to well because of what he had called her last year.

“Bye you two, I'm going to miss you both,” he said before grabbing his bags and going to a different compartment. Lily and I walked down to May, Emily, and Caroline' compartment they had saved in the beginning. As soon as we got in and we all looked at each other we all burst out in tears.

“I'm going to miss you all so much!” each of us cried, we went around hugging each other before gathering in a huge group hug.

“Promise t-to write... each... other!” May choked out between sobs. We all agreed before Lily and I set off for the Marauder's compartment. They only non marauder allowed in was Lily and that was only because James and Lily were engaged. The whole train ride went fast as we all said good-bye to each other. Of course Sirius and I would be leaving together to stop by my parents before going to our new home. James and Lily would be doing the same before going to their home. Remus and Peter were going their own ways.

I couldn't have asked for better friends. After everything that had happened to me in the beginning they had welcomed me with open arms. That had nothing to do with being James' sister though. As we were about to get off the train we all combined our powers to enchant the compartment.

No one would be able to get in unless they were an official member of the marauders, otherwise this door would be sealed shut. Dumbledore had allowed us to do this and had even said he was going to put a plaque up on it so everyone would remember us. I felt my eyes tear up as I said good-bye to Peter and Remus.

After everyone was done and I had went to my parents, Sirius and I went to our new home. It was beautiful and even had a huge garden in the backyard with a fountain in it. This was my new home and I couldn't have been more excited. “Welcome to our futures!” Sirius exclaimed as he opened the door for me.

Fast Forward ten months to the after party for James and Lily's wedding

James and Lily had wanted a small after party, the only invitations were for Sirius, Peter, Remus, and I. It was great being around all my friends, especially meeting up with them all together in one place. Sirius and I were still a very close couple, no one could ever separate us. Lily still teased me about Sirius going to propose to me, but I wasn't sure if that was what he wanted yet. Inside I knew it was what I wanted more then anything.

At this moment Lily was starting to tease me about it all over again while James was whispering something to Sirius a little ways away from us. “I admit I would love for him to propose. I'm just not sure he wants that yet,” I told her.

“Are you kidding! He wants that for sure, why has he never left your side since the ball in 6th year?”

“He wants to be a good boyfriend!” I said stubbornly.

“Well you're about to find out in a second!” said Lily with a huge smirk on her face as Sirius and James walked towards me. When the were close to us Sirius grabbed my hand and pulled me into the middle of the room.

“Scarlet, all I want is for us to spend the rest of our lives together. I can't stand thinking about us not being together. Will you please marry me?” he asked after he got down on one knee. He had pulled out a ring box as well.

“Yes!” I said as I started to tear up. He placed a diamond ring on my finger before kissing me straight on the lips. James, Remus, and Lily came up and gave us hugs as Lily and I began to jump with happiness. I had been the maid of honor at her wedding and I wanted her to be the maid of honor at mine. Sadly Peter wasn't here since he had to leave early for some reason. I couldn't wait to tell Severus about me getting married. Ever since we left school we had been keeping in contact. Sadly my parents had died of old age a couple months back, so I couldn't tell them.

This was the best moment of my life and nothing could have ruined it. Or so I thought.


After watching the Harry Potter movie yesterday (which made me tear up at parts) I have had a whole new energy for this story. this is the last Past chapter, I hope you like it since the rest of the story will be placed in the Present.

notre passé et présents (a Sirius Black love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя